Chapter 3

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The white-collar workers around the SCBD building are taking photos with their phone.

Wu Fang road is full of thick smoke, people inside the building are running outside with their own might. Everyone is looking at the lively situation.

Xu Qin exerts her strength to charge into a group of people, who are blocking the alley. The firefighters are pulling their security lines and roaring toward the crowd: "All of you start to scatter! Move away! — You, why are you charging inside?"

Xu QIn says: "I'm a doctor."

That skinny firefighters is confused. "Which hospital are you from?"

Xu Qin answers: "The three armed services hospital."

Xu Qin bends her body to pass the security line and runs toward the alley.

The fire engines cars already pass inside the alley. The firefighters start to spray out the water.

The houses of the Nan Wu Road are vintage architecture, most of them are using wood structure and closed to each other. Though now there are four fire engine with high pressured water, yet the fire is not dispersed.

Most of the residents are evacuated, only firefighters are staying there in the frontline to fight it.

Nearby there are several leaders of the firefighters and political commissar gathering together to look at the map. The fire on the front is gone yet the inner area of the Nan Wu road, which the fire engine couldn't get in, is still there. They just depends on the strength of the spray to fight it.

Song Yan advises: "Send and divide the people to extinguish the fire."

Yet, the leader of the firefighter of the Nan Wu road doesn't agree with him. "I oppose it."

Song Yan: "Why?"

"These houses are having their own hidden trouble, if the fire ignites once more, it is easy for the roof to collapse. If we get inside, it'll be too dangerous. Moreover, the reporters have checked the nearest area. Every family are successfully evacuated, no one is inside so we don't need to take risks."

The other group leaderr says: "I approve."

Yet Song Yan shakes his head and points at the map: "Look at this, now this are is burnt, these houses are from brick. At the present we couldn't control it. If we get inside, this area...."

Song Yan points at the are close to the burning area: "This is a building made of wood. If the fire spreads out here, it would be too late. That time the fire would be twofold great that this. We maybe couldn't control it. Moreover–"


Song Yan pulls his lips: "In the apartment here, there are lots of foreigners that live alone. If there're two or three of them being stranded. No one would notice that they are gone."

All people's expression turn grave, the political commissar of that area decides: "Act out what Song Yan said."

The firefighters start to gather in groups and carry their own fire-extinguishers and shields. They start to get in to the scene of fire.

The time Xu Qin runs inside, she just watches Song Yan disappears into a raging fire and thick smoke. She couldn't see him anymore.

The fire is so hot, the area is surrounded by flames and smokes. Xu Qin covers her noise and coughs. She retreats several meters. She feels her face is hurt because of the heat of the fire. She couldn't imagine the feeling of the firefighters.

After a while, there's a sound of explosion.

The political commissar, Suo Jun, holds up the intercom: "Song Yan?! Song Yan?! What happened?!"

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