16) Travelling

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Zayn's POV

Everyone was coming and going. We were off to Sweden tomorrow so everything was being packed and organised. 

I was sat on the tour bus with Liam and Paul discussing everything.

"Okay, so I have tomorrow's schedule completely booked out for traveling, and then the day after you have an interview panel before your first show." 

Paul checked off the agenda to Liam and I, who nodded our heads in response.

"Anything else we need to cover before I head off?" Paul double checked.

"Extra secruity." Liam stated.

"Already covered. I've upped secruity on everything particular you boys and Y//n." Paul nodded.

"Brilliant." I smiled.

"I think that's it then Paul. Thank you." 

"See ya, thanks boys." Paul waved as he left.

You could here the sounds of people talking, cars honking, and heavy gear all being moved around. It was certainly obvious that we were moving out of the arena.

I could tell Liam noticed the volume fo the abience as well as he made his way to sut the door to the tour bus. Then a face appeared in the corridoor.

"Hey Y/n/n, how'd you sleep." Liam asked rushing back.

Y/n hesitated, unsure what to say or if it was safe to say anything at all.

"Okay." She mumbled.

"Want some breakfast?" Liam offered as he moved to stand next to her.


Liam looked down at Y/n placing a hand on her shoulder his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah." She sighed quietly, "something small though."

Nodding Liam grabbed a plate, knife, and chopping board. He grabbed a red apple from the furit basket sitting on the counter and cut the apple into six equal peices. 

Y/n took a seat on the very edge of the half table staring down at her hands and biting her lip. The plate of apple was placed in front of her and after a minute she slowly began to nibble on her breakfast.

"The other boys are all over the place this morning, they're getting ready to leave." Liam filled the tension, his sister nodding in response.

"Niall's gone to pack his guitar with the band, Harry went to get hair products for him and I from Lou since we won't see her for two or three days." I joined in.

"Yes, because your hair is so precious." Liam sighed sarcastially making Y/n smile.

"Although I don't know anything about Louis." I pondered.

I realised Louis hadn't actually told us what he was doing when he left the bus this morning, which was definetly suspicious.

"Keep an eye out then, he's probably trying to prank someone." Liam warned and I knew he was probably right.


Y/n's POV

After thanking my brother for breakfast I snuck off to the other end of the bus digging in my suitcase for some comfortable yet fashionable clothes. I knew there would be media at the aiport, hotels, resturants, outside the arena, and pretty much anywhere else we decided to go.

We weren't exactly travelling today but we weren't keeping out of the publics eye either. 

I decided on a pair of black jeans and a blue and white plad wool knit jumper. Comfy yet stylish, perfect for today. 

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