7) Laughing

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Laughing. That was the first thing I heard when I woke up the next morning. I could hear Niall's distinct laugh as he teased one of the boys.

"Haha Harry! You have pancakes in your hair!" Niall boomed.

"What! Louis you twat! Stop throwing your breakfast in my hair." I heard Harry complain.

"Shush you idiots, you'll wake up Y/n." Zayn lectured them.

Was Zayn up before me? That was unusual. Either he had gotten up early or I had slept in really late.

I huffed as I turned and rolled out of the bunk I had been placed in last night. Stumbling tiredly I walked into the small kitchen space of the tour bus.

"Too late." I chuckled.

Zayn slapped the backs of Niall and Harry's heads. They both groaned in response.

"I told you two to be quiet so you didn't wake her up!" He grumbled disappointingly.

"Eh, it's okay. I was gonna have to get up at some point." I attempted to pull Zayn out the grumpy mood Niall and Harry had just put him in.

"Morning Y/n/n, how are you feeling?" Liam asked me.

"Tired. What time is it?"

"Nearly 10 o'clock. But we've got rehearsals today." Louis answered my question.

"Okay, sounds good."

"You can come along if you like. Be our practice audience." Niall offered before he continued to devour his breakfast.

"I would love to." I giggled.

"Hungry?" Liam asked, gesturing to some pancakes.

"Nah, I'm not too hungry thanks though." I turned down the polite offer.

"Okay, just make sure you at least try to eat something."

Liam walked over to me and placed a small kiss on the top of my forehead before turning to the boys.

"I'm going to get dressed. Hurry up with breakfast, we have to be there for rehearsal by half past." My brother told the boys before he swiftly exited.


"Good morning Y/n." Preston waved to me.

"Morning Preston." I waved back.

"Here to watch sound check?" He asked.

"Sure am. God, the boys are childish." I laughed as I watched them prance around during dance rehearsals like fools.

"You have no idea." Paddy chuckled from beside Preston.

"What's for breakfast?" Andy, another member of security, questioned.

"Oh, just some avocado on toast. I wasn't too hungry earlier so I'm having brunch I suppose."

Everyone just chuckled. I got along with the security team quite well. They were all super nice and were always there to protect me and the boys from crazy fans.

I joined the three security guards, sitting next to them in one of the seats that filled the massive stadium. It was huge and in a few days time, every seat would be filled by screaming fans all coming to see the boys perform.

Suddenly Zayn and Louis were in a full on tackle on the stage. This caused Preston's radio to go off.

"Sorry lads, duty calls." He announced before jogging down to help separate the two boys.

Louis was being held back by Alberto, his security guard, and Zayn was being held back by Preston, his security guard. Paul stood in between the two boys while they wriggled and squirmed trying to get out of security's grip.

"Boys! What the bloody hell is going on!" Paul yelled at the two of them.

"He said that avocados suck!" Zayn shouted.

"Yeh! Because they do!" Louis shouted back in retaliation.

Then all five band members spontaneously burst into laughter. Niall was rolling on the floor, Louis dropped to his knees, Zayn was crying and Liam and Harry were gripping onto each other.

Security just shook their heads in disbelief and lightly chuckled to themselves.

"You stopped rehearsal for that?" Sighed Paul.

"Sorry Paul, but anyone who eats the trendiest food of all time is a loser." Louis wheezed.

I too was giggling from my seat until that last comment. 'Anyone who eats the trendiest food of all time is a loser'. The comment kept ringing through my head. Am I a loser?

Standing up from my seat I walked to the nearest bin and dumped my toast straight into it.

"Y/n? Where are you off to?" Preston asked on his way back to his seat.

"Just going back to the tour bus. I was thinking about going shopping today. Do you think someone could please organize me a car?"

"Yeh, of course. Did you want someone from security to come with you?"

"Nah, I'll be alright." I shrugged.

"Okay, I'll organize you a car. Just make sure you talk to Paul before you go." Preston instructed.

"Will do." And with that I walked away back to the bus.

Back on the bus I began rummaging through my large suitcase looking for something casual to wear. I had to make sure I wouldn't stand out in what I was wearing. I grabbed a pair of white skinny jeans, a plain light blue shirt and a black jumper to wear on top.

Making sure I had my sunglasses I stepped out of the tour bus with my purse and began walking to the car that Preston had organised for me.

"Y/n!" Someone called from behind me.

I turned around to see who it was. It was Paul.

"Preston told me you're going shopping?" He confirmed with me.

"Yeh, I was just planning to go shopping for the day."

"That's not a problem. If you get into any trouble just call me and I'll send someone to you as soon as I can." I told him, making sure I knew to ring him if anything happened.

"Of course." I assured him.

With that I stepped into the back of the car and the driver took me to the closest shopping outlet. Where I continued to spend the rest of my day looking for new clothes and fancy dresses to wear at some of the band's upcoming events.

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