5) Insomnia

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Y/n's POV:

Rolling over to my side I pick up my phone and check the time. 2:09 am. Jesus, why am I even awake. I've been living with my brother and his bad One Direction for 2 weeks now, so why can I still not sleep.

Some nights are great and I can fall asleep within 10 minutes of slipping into bed. Other's are much like tonight. Awake until the early hours of the morning unable to fall asleep. The worst part was, I was tired. I wanted to go to sleep, but I never could.

Although I knew I should be at least trying to close my eyes and go to sleep, I decided to leave the warmth of my bed and venture downstairs. The tiled stairs feel like ice beneath my feet as I slowly creep down them.

I just walked aimlessly in my purple pajama pants and black tank top. Even though I didn't know where I was going, my feet did. Somehow I ended up standing in the doorway of the music room. The moon shone through the window of the room and lit up the piano. It felt as if it were calling me.

Walking through the double doors I sat on the piano stool and stared at the piano keys in admiration. Gently I placed my hands on the keys causing the beautiful sound of the piano to softly fill my ears. I knew the rest of the house was asleep so I had to keep quiet.

Quietly I began playing 'Imagine' by John Lenon. There was just something so magical about the way my fingers pressed down on the piano keys and the beautiful melodies filled my ears.

Suddenly I felt a presence beside me. Zayn.

He had sat on the vacant end of the piano stool. I looked at him and he looked at me. We searched each other's eyes almost like we were soul searching.

Without saying anything I showed him which keys to play and in which order. Soon enough the two of us were playing the piano in a duet. When the song had finished we stood up from the stool and slowly exited the room.

"Goodnight Y/n." He whispered with a soft smile before leaving me alone in the doorway of the music room.

It was strange. The entire encounter had been in complete silence beside those few words Zayn spoke as he exited. But somehow our interaction was surprisingly comforting. It was almost as if we had now created an unspoken bond of trust and friendship.

I grabbed the handles and closed both the double doors before leaving the space and returning back to my bedroom.

Once more I slid into my queen sized bed checking the time on my phone. It was now 5:28 am. I had been playing piano for nearly three and a half hours. I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep, a subtle peace washing over me.


The next time I was awake it was 10:15 am. Somehow despite the small amount of sleep I had managed to achieve I felt somewhat refreshed. I sat on a stool in the kitchen while Harry served me a plate of eggs on toast.

"Thank's Harry." I yawned, still waking up from my sleep.

"No problem. Did you want to cook that batch of cupcakes today?" He asked me.

"Cupcakes?" Liam inquired as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Yeh. Harry and I were talking about our favorite desserts the other night and he offered to teach me how to make cupcakes." I explained.


"What's with the tone of surprise?"

"Nothing." Liam said side eyeing me before he sat down next to me to drink his coffee.

"Morning Hazza. Morning Payno and Payno jr." Louis cheered as he waltzed into the room.

"HA! Payno jr." Niall snickers as he ate his breakfast.

"Morning Nialler, didn't see ya there." Spoke Louis only just noticing Niall at the kitchen table.

"Morning Louie." Niall greeted with a mouthful of food.

"Mate, don't speak with your mouth full." Liam practically parented.

It was funny. Liam was like the Dad friend of the group except of course when Paul was around. Then he totally lost all sense of responsibility and became just as childish as the other boys.

"Sorry." Niall said after swallowing his eggs.

"Where's Zayn?" Louis asked, thinking he'd also missed greeting Zayn as well as Niall.

"He's still in bed." Harry told him as he cleaned up the kitchen.

"Lazy boy." Announced Louis before he left the room presumably to go play video games.


It was late in the afternoon when I was sitting at the piano again. I had successfully made a batch of chocolate cupcakes which the boys devoured within minutes. Zayn had decided to join me while I played piano. So I spent my afternoon teaching him another song on the piano which we played together.

"You're really talented Y/n."

"Thanks Zayn."

We continued playing for a few minutes before Zayn stopped again and spoke to me.

"I know moving in with us has been a big change, but how are you finding it?" He asked me politely.

"It's actually been okay. I love living here to be honest. I've become quite close with you all, you're like my brothers." I smiled looking down at my lap.

"And you're like our sister. We're glad to have you here with us and we can't wait to have you on tour with us."

"I can't wait to see you guys perform again." I smiled at him.

Maybe this really was home.

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