6) Paparazzi

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One thing. Paparazzi.

I hate them.

I was currently sitting in the back of a car with Liam and Harry. We're on our way to the new tour buses. We were in the US to start the world tour and the fans and paparazzi were much more intense in the states compared to London.

It had now been a month since I had first moved in with the boys who have now become like brothers. I was much closer with all of them. Louis was my gaming buddy, Harry my fashion guru and personal chef, Niall was my cuddle buddy, Zayn was my confidant and Liam was, well, my protective brother.

We pulled to a stop outside the venue where the tour buses were being kept and from out the window you could see hundreds of screaming fans and paparazzi waiting to take photos of us. This wasn't my first time dealing with the paparazzi. They had become very well aware of who I was now and often liked to follow me and take pictures when I was out in public. The most frequent interactions I have with the annoying cameramen is when I'm clothes shopping with Harry or when I'm out with the boys.

"Shit. There are a lot of people out there." Swore Liam.

I looked at him nervously. The paparazzi I could ignore but the fans were impossible. They would scream and yell, doing anything to get a hold of you.

"Paul?" I called asking for the boy's bodyguard/tour manager.

"I'm here Y/n." He replied, turning around to face me.

"Paul, how many people are out there exactly?" I was terrified that something bad would happen.

My anxiety was kicking in and both Paul and Liam could tell.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I'll be right next to you holding your hand until we get inside." Liam assured me.

"I've got security everywhere. They're currently out there now organizing crowd control. Don't worry Y/n, we're going to get you inside nice and safely." Paul smiled at me.

I looked out the window watching all the fans wave signs and scream while the paparazzi tried to take photos. Paul stepped out of the car and came around to the door to open it and let Liam, Harry and I out. But before Paul got to the car door I heard Liam whisper something to Harry.

"Make sure you don't let her out of your sight."

"Of course not mate." I heard Harry respond.

Before I could acknowledge my brother's comment Paul was opening the car door.

"Alright Liam, you first, Y/n next and then Harry last." Paul told us and Liam stepped out of the car.

When I stepped out of the car I saw both Paul and Paddy standing by the car door. Paddy placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring nod. There were cameras flashing and fans screaming. Security was holding the large crowd at bay.

Liam quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me forward as I felt Harry place a hand on my back to signal that he too was behind me and ready to help me get through this massive crowd.

Steadily we made our way through the crowd until my fears came true. I rouge fan had managed to push past security and jump out in between Liam and I causing the grip I had on his hand to server.

"Liam!" I shouted.

I was panicking as a few more fans followed her lead and managed to slip through security. Liam was reaching for me but it was made impossible by the three fans who were currently groping at him. Another four fans attached onto Harry and two jumped in my face screaming at me as they tried to hug me.

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