8) Sleeping Beauties

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Liam's POV

It had been a long day of rehearsing when we finally returned back to the tour bus. All five of us reached the door to the bus and Niall flung it open.

"I'm starving!" The blonde complained as he began looking through the cupboards for food.

"Nialler mate, relax." Louis sighed pulling him away from the cupboards where he was frantically searching for something to eat.

We all sat down around the small pull out table and pulled out our phones. I opened up twitter and scrolled through my feed.

"Damn, the 'Where We Are Tour' is trending all over twitter." Harry said.

"Well we sure do have a lot of fans." Said Zayn.

Harry was right. Our new tour was all over my feed. Mostly it was fans commenting under the posts about the tour and them posting the signs they were going to bring to the concerts.

Something else also popped up onto my feed. It was a photo of Y/n and I when we were younger. So many fans had commented things underneath it saying how cute we were when we were younger and how close we are as siblings. Then I realized I didn't know where Y/n was.

"Hey guys, where's Y/n?"

"Oh, pretty sure I saw her leave rehearsals today. Not sure where she went though." Niall answered my question.

Then Paul walked onto the tour bus and I turned to ask him the same question.

"Paul, do you know where Y/n is?"

"Yes. She decided to go shopping today."

Shopping? How come she didn't tell me? Did she have security with her?

"She'll be back shortly. A car was just sent to pick her up." Paul continued.

"Okay, thanks." I sighed with relief.

"Well, it's dinner time. How does Nandos sound?" Paul asked checking his watch for the time.

"NANDOS!" Niall screamed.

"Take that as a yes then." Zayn chuckled as we all laughed at Niall's excitement.

I turned on my phone again to message Y/n and ask what she wanted to eat from Nandos.

Liam: Hey Y/n, we're getting Nandos for dinner. What do you want?

Y/n: Hey Liam, I'm ok actually I ate while I was out.

The thought that I hadn't seen Y/n eat today crossed my mind. I knew that yesterday was quite traumatic for her so she might be having an episode where she refused to eat. I needed to make sure she wasn't lying.

Liam: Ooo. What did ya have?

Y/n: Just some nuggets from McDonalds. Basic Ik.

McDonalds. I had no real way of telling if she was lying but her answer was too specific to not be true.

Liam: Haha ok. How far away are you?

Y/n: No more than 5 min.

Liam: See you soon then.

Y/n: See you soon!

Y/n would be home shortly so I knew that she was safe. Having Y/n on tour with us gave me an odd sort of comfort. It was nice.

"Is Y/n getting anything?" Harry inquired, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Nah, she said she's already eaten."

"No problem. So we're happy with just our usual orders." Paul checked with everyone.

We all nodded yes and Paul stepped out of the bus to go give someone else our orders and organize for them to go pick up our dinner.

"How much longer until dinner gets here I'm starving." Niall huffed.

"Mate, we've only just placed the order." Harry sighed.

"When will Y/n be back, I want cuddles." Niall huffed again.

"Five minutes, bud." I told him.

"Come on, I'll play some FIFA with ya in the meantime." Louis offered.

Niall happily took his offer and raced through the bus to the back lounge where we had a tv and an Xbox set up. Which is how we spent the rest of the evening, eating Nandos and versing each other in FIFA.


It was much later in the evening and we had all finished our dinner. Y/n had returned back and was now cuddling with Niall on one of the couches in the lounge. Now that it was getting later we made the decision to turn off the Xbox and go to bed.

As I stood up to go to my bunk I saw Niall and Y/n cuddled together on the couch sleeping. I nudged the other boys and they looked over and saw the same adorable sight that I did.

"Naw, they're so cute." Whispered Zayn.

"Quick, get a picture." Harry told me in a hushed voice.

I pulled out my phone and took a quick photo of the two sleeping beauties. Opening messages I sent the picture to the group chat.

"I've sent it to the group chat." I informed the boys.

The three of them gave me a thumbs up and Louis moved to pull a blanket over the two of them.

"Best let them sleep here tonight, I reckon." Louis whispered.

We walked out the lounge, turned off the lights and closed the door behind us. Quietly we made our way back to the bunks and slipped into bed. It had been a long day and we all needed our rest.

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