𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘌𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 - 𝘚𝘭𝘰𝘢𝘯

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"So does this mean your my girl?"

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"So does this mean your my girl?"

Brushing her hair behind her shoulder I grasp onto her leg and pull it over me until she sits on my lap, her bump in between us.

She smiles a barley there smile before asking, "Your girl?"

I nod feeling the grin on my face stretching as her eyes light up. A calmness like no other suddenly envelopes her letting me know we have anchored for awhile. She trusts me enough to let me steady her for a little bit.

"You have no idea how long I have waited for you to say those words to me." She smiles sadly as her hand comes up to stroke over my face.

"As long as I have been waiting to say them." I murmur. My heart weirdly isn't beating wildly out of it's chest instead it's steading. All because of her.

"Sometimes I wish we could go back and change how everything happened." She whispers leaning down to place a light kiss on my lips. "I mourn for the time we could of had."

"I know." I nod smoothing my hands over her hips before bringing them to rest over her bump, "But then we wouldn't have her."

"Despite everything I wouldn't change that, Sloan." Her eyes shine with determination as she looks over my face in complete seriousness and it makes me smile. She has come so far.

"Neither would I, Thorn."

For once she smiles at the nickname, a name I would use to show how poisonous she was. Now however she could poison me all day long and I would let her, because although she could prick you with her thorns she could also wrap you up in her petals.

It was something I actually admired about her, she had the ability to attack those that hurt her but she could also become protective of those that she cared about. Staring at her now sitting on my lap in my long sleeved shirt, hair tumbling down her back, bare face, eyes light and smile shy I couldn't help but notice how deep my feelings actually were.

"Your so god damn beautiful. Sometimes wish I could wrap you up and take you everywhere with me."

She laughs lightly, "You would get tired."

"I would never get tired of you." My eyes meet hers and I watch her gulp. "Now give me a proper kiss little thorn."

Her cheeks blush matching the colour of the sunset just outside her apartment and I couldn't be more happy about my view.

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