3rd date

184 8 2

(Mika's POV)


A day which all children and adults enjoyed, where loving gifts are exchanged and harmonies of song erupt in different households. Where snow piles up and warm mugs of hot chocolate are served, and where delicious meals are eaten together with family and friends.

It was night, and I was currently waiting at a bar downtown for Yuu-chan. I prayed he would be late, or even better- stand me up and not come at all. I didn't want to kill him...I really didn't. I guess you could say he was the first friend I ever had, and I was really grateful to have met him; even if it was through my job. The tingling of the doorbell snapped me back into reality, as I looked up to see 2 familiar emerald eyes. He sat down, hesitantly, and looked at the menu, to which I followed suite. I could notice his eyes staring intensely at me over the top of the menu, as I pretended not to notice and continued looking at what to order.

After we ordered and the food came, we started chatting like usual. The whole time I couldn't get my mind off the fact that I would have to kill him in a matter of a few hours. I brang a pocket knife with me, and kept it in a hidden pocket of my jeans, which I sewed on myself. Not to brag but I had been the first assassinator to design a hidden pocket of clothes such as jackets and jeans, so that they were completely hidden from view unless shown to others directly. It was practically impossible for anyone to see them unless they harassed you and started checking your clothes. Which i'm pretty sure Yuu-chan wouldn't do.

While we chatted and dined, I noticed how Yuu-chan's body was slightly shaking, like a tiny vibration all over him. It was quite hard to notice but me being an assassin and all, it wasn't hard. I was puzzled to why he was acting so strangely throughout the whole dinner. To be honest, I probably looked more obviously nervous to him. My hands shook slightly, causing my cutlery to clang together by accident, and I also spilt my water onto the table...I just hoped Yuu-chan didn't think suspiciously of me, cause I sure as hell was acting like a weirdo, who might have some...crazy ideas or something.

Yuu-chan suddenly got up and asked the waitress where the toilet was, to which she pointed to the left of our table and instructed him to walk straight and turn right. He thanked her and walked off, telling me he would be back very soon...

(Yuu's POV)

Holy shit.

I'm being overly suspicious right now.

My whole body is shaking, and my feet are tapping against the wooden floor nervously. Luckily the Christmas carols that filled the room inhibited any noise coming from my foot tapping, which made it less likely for Mika to notice. He wasn't going to look under the table and spot me anyways right? While we chatted, my mind was elsewhere. I was debating whether or not I should kill him, to which I decided I needed to. Even if I didn't want to. Guren was counting on me and I knew I couldn't let him down because of some petty crush.

By the time I finished my food, Mika was still munching away so I asked the waitress where the bathroom was. After she told me, I told Mika I would be back in a few, and he nodded, food full in his mouth as I chuckled at how cute he looked. I walked towards the bathroom, thinking about the pocket knife I had hidden in a pocket on the inside of my suit jacket. I was thinking of a plan, when I decided I would carry out my assassination in the bathroom. The bathroom was large, and private, so I knew there wouldn't be anyone else witnessing the scene, or interrupting. Plus, when I scouted the whole room, no cameras were hidden anywhere, or listening devices, so I figured the plan was safe enough. I decided to pretend to be using the toilet, and take a long time so that Mika would come looking for me all worried. I would on purposely forget to lock the door, where I created a small device using invisible string that would be able to lock the door on the outside without me having to physically turn the lock. Plus if the lock was outside, there was no chance of Mika escaping the room. Then...

All that's left is to assassinate him.

A small tear trickled from my left eye and slid down my cheek as I waited for Mika, which I quickly wiped away. I couldn't be seen vulnerable now. The target might use that as an advantage, which could possibly lead to his escape and me getting caught and going to jail. I shivered at the thought. No way in hell was I ever going to get caught. Guren would be so disappointed in me...

Plus I can't get arrested now. Guren promised to assign me a task in the future to kill Ferid Bathory. The boss of the company rivaling ours. He was supposedly sick in the head as well, and I learned he even had no remorse when killing children. I could never forgive him for that. I had also heard rumors that the best assassin at his company was a man the same age as me...


A voice sounded from the other end of the door. I didn't reply, as I waited anxiously for him into get lured my trap. 

(Mika's POV)

It had already been 30 minutes since Yuu-chan told me he would be back and I was starting to get worried. Did something happen to him? I couldn't afford for that to happen. Afterall, he was my target, and also...


It's too late for that anyway. All I had was a small crush. It would go away once he's killed.

I stood up and walked towards the direction of the bathroom, as I wanted to check up on Yuu-chan. When I arrived, I called out Yuu-chan's name, only to receive a deadly silence. I knew something was going on behind that very door that I was about to walk into. I expected the door to be locked, but surprisingly, it wasn't. The door creaked slowly as I opened it and I was pulled in by Yuu-chan.




I looked back at the door only to realize it was closed and locked behind me. When I faced back at Yuu-chan, I was expecting a person to have tied Yuu-chan up, and a knife held at his throat, not something completely unexpected instead.

Yuu-chan was holding a pocket knife at my throat.


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