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(Guren's POV)

Glancing down at the round face of my watch, I realized Yuu was late, which he usually never was even though he was usually annoyed whenever he was needed to go anywhere. 

"What a lazy ass..." I muttered under my breath, slowly showing signs of impatientness by tapping my foot against the carpeted floor of my office. The constant ticking from the small watch made me feel more agitated as I saw how late Yuu was. 

Just when I was about to get up from my chair (which I really didn't want to get off- it was comfy, okay?) and go on a Yuu-hunt, the devil stepped (more like stomped) into the room. He hadn't even bothered to knock, and I was about to scold him until I saw how angry he looked, mixed with a tinge of sadness. Small drops of tears started rolling down his cheeks as he furiously wiped them away, hoping to conceal any sign of weakness. 


As quickly as he could, he tried to stop crying. I knew he hated showing any signs of weakness to anyone, including me. 

Before I could get up from my chair to comfort him, he spoke.

"I'm only here to report how well the mission is going. Don't come, I'm okay."

I knew he was being eaten up on the inside but I silently nodded, settling back on my chair. I knew that I wanted to help Yuu as much as I could and comfort him, but I could tell he really didn't want me to go over to him. I saw him draw in a shaky breath and slowly started calming down.

"My mission so far is going well. I'm getting along with the target, and now I know quite a bit about him."

"I see, very well. You may leave now. Decide your next date with the target himself."

He nodded and turned around, ready to leave but before he could, I quickly spoke again.

"Yuu...if you ever want someone to talk to, know I'm always here, sitting in the same boring ol' office working my tired ass off."

He smiled slightly, and I was content that he had cheered up a little. He spun on his heel and walked out the door, closing the door with a click. 

(Yuu's POV)

After I had left the room, I fast-walked to my small office with my head down, so no one could see the tears quickly forming a glassy layer on my eyes, threatening to fall onto the floor in a matter of seconds. I quickly shut the door once I got inside, walking towards the bathroom and locking myself inside. I slid down to the cold, marble floor against the door and broke down, clutching my burning chest where my heart felt like it was on fire. A downpour of tears uncontrollably fell from my eyes and dropped to the floor like a waterfall, forming many mini puddles.   

What was happening with me?

Every time I thought about Mika, his mysterious eyes, his beautiful smile, his melodious laugh, and his soothing voice, my heart throbbed. I had never experienced such a feeling before. Sure, I had experienced other emotions many times before but this was different. It was the worst feeling I ever had felt in my whole life. 

After what seemed like hours, I finally got off the floor, glancing at myself in the mirror above the sink. I looked like a mess. Tousled hair, red, puffy eyes, and tear stains on my cheeks stared back at me in the mirror. I unlocked the door, walking back into the main room. My office had an old yet comfortable couch pushed back against the left side of the room. I found a musty-smelling blanket and lay down on the couch, draping the blanket over me. 

Before I could sleep, my phone screen lit up with a new message from Mika. He was asking about our next date so I randomly suggested going to the park tomorrow near my house. He agreed, and we said goodnight. I shut off my phone and settled back down on the sofa.

That night, I cried myself to sleep.

(Mika's POV)

Ferid had called the day after the date to tell me to give him a brief report of how well things were going. I explained that we had gotten closer and that I had even dropped him off at his house. I guess Ferid wanted to tease me cause he asked me,

"Does Mika have a crush?"

Obviously, I cut the line leaving Ferid without an answer. This was why I hated imbeciles like him, going around pissing off whoever they pleased. However, what he said kept subconsciously running through my mind. He's my target. What kind of idiot assassin would fall in love with their target? I thought back to Yuu-chan, his beautiful emerald eyes and inky hair, the way his smile made flowers bloom in even the coldest climates, the blushing mess he would become every time I teased him. I couldn't possibly like him.


I texted Yuu-chan to ask him about our next date, surprised by the immediate reply. We decided we would go to the park close to Yuu-chan's house the next day and hang out. I suddenly became excited from knowing I would be seeing him again tomorrow, butterflies somersaulted in my stomach, cheeks flushing a pinkish tone.

I stopped, surprised by how quickly Yuu-chan was able to change my negative mood into a positive one. I guess seeing a friend makes me happy, I thought, I've never had a friend before. My mood dampened as I thought about how close it was till I had to...kill him. 

For some reason, I didn't want to.

I had no problem in killing my other clients, what was different now? 

It's not like I've fallen in love with him as Ferid said. 

Sighing loudly, I dropped onto the bed in hopes of being able to sleep. I fell asleep after a few hours of tossing and turning and wracking my brain about Yuu-chan. 

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