My first

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(Yuu's POV)

Apparently, I had fallen asleep near the end of the movie, and when I woke up, I was tucked underneath the comfortable sheets of my bed. Although my eyes drooped with fatigue, my half-conscious self saw a handsome blonde in the moonlight, about to leave the room. However, before he could leave, I tugged lightly on his sweater sleeve, forcing him to face me. His bright, sapphire-like eyes glimmered in the moonlight, like the sun's rays refracting off the surface of the water in a pool. Pale skin contrasted nicely against the dancing light, his many shadows swaying on the bare walls in the square room. He stared curiously, about to speak until I peeled off a corner of the blanket and pulled him onto the bed, laying the corner back in its original position over him. Pulling on his sleeve again, I made him go on his side to face me properly. I wanted to study every small detail of his face, especially his brilliant, mesmerizing eyes that seemed to hold some sort of dark secret inside, buried deep within the depths of his iris.

A few silent moments passed between us like a breeze, the constant ticking of the wall clock being the only source of sound heard, other than the occasional crunching of tires on gravel and the honking of cars on the road.

Instinctively, my eyes fluttered shut and I mentally braced myself for what I did next.

I leaned in, closing all remaining space between us.

It was my first kiss; an abrupt yet sweet one.

At first, Mika seemed shocked and hesitated slightly, but apparently, he gave in and kissed me back.

I couldn't believe I was kissing the one person I should've never fallen in love with.

Mika. My target.

(Mika's POV)

By the time the credits were rolling to signal the end of the movie, it was already midnight.


I asked, waiting for a reply. When none came, I shook him slightly. Still no response. When I leaned over his shoulder to see his face, I saw he was deeply asleep; light snores sounded from him. I panicked for a minute, wondering what to do with the sleeping beauty curled up with his head on my chest. I slowly picked him up bridal style; careful not to wake him and walked towards the room he had run out of previously which I had guessed was his bedroom. My guess was correct as I stepped into the square room.

His room was rather plain and small, like the living room we previously were in. To the right side of the room, his bed was pushed sideways so that it aligned with the wall. At the left side of the room at the farthest corner sat his desk and chair, an overflowing rubbish bin placed next to the desk. A closet loomed at the corner opposite the desk, chair, and bin. The wall farthest from the entrance of the room was a large window, whose curtains were not drawn, allowing moonlight to reflect and dance across the different surfaces in the room. Our shadows swirled in rhythm on the walls with every step we took towards the single bed in the corner. I lay Yuu-chan down carefully, tucking him in and starting to walk away to prepare a comfortable bed on the sofa until I felt a hand gently pull at the corner of my shirt sleeve. I turned around to find a half-asleep-half-awake Yuu-chan, who pulled me into the cramped bed with one swift motion.

I gasped slightly as the back of my head bounced against the soft pillow half occupied by Yuu-chan's head. He pulled the white sheets over us and turned to his side to face me. I was shocked when he pulled on my shirt sleeve again, forcing me onto my side to face him as well. By now, he was fully awake; emerald eyes stared at sapphire ones, as they searched the depths of each other's eyes.

I smiled warmly, scooting towards him so that there was a mere 5 or so inches between our faces. I could feel his intense gaze shift from my eyes to my lips, desire clouding his eyes as we leaned in, closing the gap between us until there was no empty space left. My heart felt on fire when our lips connected, fitting perfectly like a key and lock.

I had my first kiss stolen by a hot stranger. A hot stranger who is my target.

The first kiss was just a small peck but was soon followed by hungry, passionate kisses. I bit on his lip, asking for permission as he gasped quietly, hesitantly granting access for my tongue to enter his mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance, which of course I won. My tongue explored inside his mouth, wanting to taste more of his sweet taste. We pulled away, panting slightly as we wiped away the saliva that strung between our mouths like a transparent thread. We continued to kiss some more until we fell back on the bed, both close to falling asleep from fatigue. Yuu-chan nuzzled his head into my neck, placing a few quick pecks and slyly sucking my soft spot. He seemed satisfied with my moan as he smirked slightly before burying his head into my chest, falling asleep moments later.

I couldn't believe a boy I had just met a few hours before had melted my frozen heart that had been battered, broken, and abused.

I was known to be the coldest assassin in the whole company. I felt no remorse for assassinating those I was assigned to, and I acted cold to those around me so that my heart would not be trampled on again. If my childhood had not been as broken, I probably would've grown up to be a responsible adult, happy and free from sin. When I was younger, I had been thrown out of my parent's car onto the road, ending up with many broken bones, fractures, and other injuries. Miraculously, I survived and was put in an orphanage, where I was adopted by Ferid Bathory. At first, he seemed normal until my 7th birthday when he started to train me.

Those were truly the longest 9 years of my life.

And now at 16, I am a pro assassinator, going down the path with blood on my hands, those who I assassinated haunting my dreams. After all, none of them had ever done anything related to me. I had just been ordered to kill them by Ferid.

Yuu-chan healed my heart with his warmth and happiness and by now, I had completely forgotten that he was my target.

I looked down at the peaceful beauty lying on my chest, snoring cutely as I laughed quietly, and fell asleep, not caring about the hickey I would have to deal with the next morning.


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