The job

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(Yuu's POV)

The atmosphere was dead quiet as I slipped out the door of my small apartment complex, praying the neighbors wouldn't hear the squeaking door hinge and come complaining the next morning. I trudged down the slightly frosted stairs, careful not to slip, fall, and break a bone. Snow surrounded me, piling up and covering the roads like a soft blanket. I loved how the snow encapsulated the city of Tokyo in a winter wonderland snowglobe. It reminded me of the snowglobe I had received as a present from Guren when I was 6. I cherished it as if it was my everything. 

It was.

My parents had left me when I was still a child; around 5 years old, so I didn't have anything, didn't even know what love was. I was never loved or wanted by my parents. Vague memories of my parents hitting me, leaving bruises on every exposed piece of skin, and screaming demon spawn at me rang through my head like bells. They wouldn't let me go to school, so I had no education or friends. This caused me to build towering, iron walls all around my heart, enclosing all my feelings inside the walls, with no chance of them ever escaping. One day, my parents had enough of me and decided to kick me out of the house. However, Guren found me and decided to take full responsibility for me; the demon spawn. That was 10 years ago. When Guren became my guardian, he sent me to school, fed me properly, and acted like a loving, caring parent. 

There was one thing though. 

I was trained harshly by Guren every day a few days after he took me in, and made me promise to join his company; the moon demon company, when I was elder. Young me was too naive to understand why I was trained so harshly, so I just went along with it. By the age of 8, I had already learned how to kill a man using my bare hands. I also learned some tricks on how to use specific weapons such as guns, nunchucks, and knives. Since then, I joined the moon demon company, training hard to live up to Guren's expectations. 

Now here I am, at 16, the best assassin in the whole company. 

I started to trudge heavily towards HQ through the clumps of snow, hidden at the farthest end of an alley, shadowed by towering buildings nearby so that it was near-impossible for anyone to discover it. It was not as cold yet, so I was wearing a decent black coat with emerald buttons. It was my favorite coat, plus the green shade complimented my eyes. As I placed my index finger's fingerprint on the scanner, I breathed in the crisp night air, closing my eyes until I heard the short beep of the access being granted sign. The doors sleekly slid open, and I was greeted by a grinning, lilac-haired girl; none other than my best friend Shinoa Hiiragi. She annoyed the living hell out of me, but she was the first (and only) friend that I was able to make. "Yuu-sann~" she exclaimed cheekily. I simply grunted and she pouted, giving me puppy eyes and saying "aww, not even a simple hi?" Shinoa usually didn't greet me at the door so I knew she needed to tell me something important. "Fine...hi, other than that did u needa tell me something?" I asked. Shinoa told me that Guren wanted me to go to his office to receive my next assignment. I nodded and thanked her, slinking lazily along the bare, bright-white corridors. It was like the corridors of the hospital that I often went to after receiving beatings from my abusive parents. Shivering at the thought, I straightened my posture and fast-walked along the corridors towards Guren's office. 

AN: Welp that's the first chapter... sorry if that was boring but the next few chapters will start to get interesting :) 

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