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When I woke up, there was something sitting on me. Jason still had his hands wrapped around my waist and Damian was still in my arms. I opened my eyes and looked at what was sitting on me. Letting out a sigh of relief. "Good morning, Titus."

The dog picked his head up from where he was curled up. I cooed softly and scratched him behind the ear. Jason squeezed me and nestled into my neck. "Hey."

"Hey." I smiled.

His morning voice was even deeper and even huskier than normal. "There's a dog."

"Yeah, Damian's Christmas gift." I supplied more context.

"No shit, Jackson." Jason rolled his eyes. "But what is it doing here."

"He is Damian's best friend."

"A dog is his best friend. That's kinda sad." Jason mumbled.

"Be nice. And it's the saying, a dog is a man's best friend." I turned my head to look at Jason. His eyes were still closed and his hair was a mess.

He didn't answer, but the corners of his mouth pulled up. "What time is it?"

"I dunno. I woke up like two seconds ago." I shrugged.

"Hmh. I think B is gonna take us out on a mission." Jason groaned.

"What? You worried you going to miss a shift being a crime lord. That's your job." I laugh.

"So you're saying you never wanted to stay in bed and not come babysit these brats?"

I decided to look over the brat comment. "There were a couple days when I didn't want to get out of bed, but there wasn't a day when I didn't want to babysit."

"Hmh. I can't say I believe you, Doll." Jason snaked his arms around my waist. "The demon was a bigger brat then I was when I was his age."

"You? A brat? No way." I rolled my eyes.

"Did I every tell you the first time I met B I was still the wheels off the bat-mobile?"

I tried to picture Bruce staring at a little Jason, caught red handed. The thought made me giggle. Jason picked his head up. "Do you think that's funny? Do you know how fucking terrifying that shit is? Imagine being ten years old and big bats was just staring at you taking the wheels off his car."

"You were asking for it." Jason's little speech made me start laughing. I was trying not to wake Damian up, but I found it hard to keep my giggles in. "You don't steal tires off cars that you know belong to people who will kick your ass."

"Well, my ass didn't get kicked, so suck it. I got adopted." Jason said cockily.

"Damn, so all I had to do was steal tires of Batman's car and I would get adopted. Do you think that would work now?" I laugh.

"Well, do you have a traumatic past?"

"Yeah?" I answered wondering where this was going.

"Do you have dark hair?" 

I laughed out an answer.

"Are your parents dead?"

"Sadly." I laugh slightly.

"You answered yes to all three questions, he would adopt you." Jason smiled.

"My parents aren't dead." Damian woke up.

"You're literally his son." Jason rolled his eyes, "You weren't adopted, you just changed parents. Think of your time here as a weekend."

I pressed my lips together, trying not to laugh. Giving Jason a pointed look, but he just shrugged. Damian growled and shot out of bed. Surprisingly, he didn't go after Jason, but just called Titus to his heels. Damian walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Damn it. He was warm." I groan, turning around cuddling into Jason's chess. "What time is it?"

"'Hell am I supposed to know?" Jason mumbled into my hair, his arms circling around me.

"I dunno. I feel like I should get up." I groan and sit up.

Jason pulled me down and held me a bit tighter than before. "Why? You still need to rest."

"I feel like I just slept for ten hours, I think I'm okay." I laugh softly.

Jason hummer carelessly and shrugged. "Can I ask a question?"

"Hmh." I nodded.

"What are we?" Jason asked softly.

"What do you mean?" I looked up at him to see him staring at me. Jason's hand gently ran over my eyebrows as if to smooth out the crease. I smiled and the desire to leave the bed had disappeared.

"What are we? Like, what do you introduce me as."

"I dunno, what do you want me to introduce you as?"

"What do you want to introduce me as?" Jason wondered almost self consciously. It made me melt in the inside and love how he was able to be open like this. Most guys would have a hard time but I guess we both know how short life is.

"I mean, I really like you, but I'm still going to be in college. And I don't want to be long distance." I looked down. Jason looked slightly disappointed.

"So, I'll go to California." Jason shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Jay, you can't do that. You can compromise your job and I can compromise my school. And just because we weren't together doesn't mean we can't work towards it." I take my hands and cup his cheek. "Plus, what would the crime kingdom do with their crime lord?"

Jason smirked and rolled his eyes, pulling me close again. "That was a stupid joke."

"It broke the tension." I shrugged, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"So what about after college. What coast are you going to?"

"Why are you worrying about this? We have so long to figure that out. Just be in the moment."

Jason groans slightly but quiets down. We lay in silence and listen to each other's breathing. But it does get me thinking, would long distance work? It wouldn't be super hard to see each other with super tech and magic. But after college what would happen? God dammit, Jason.

"Can I say one more thing?" Jason asked.

"Sure." I was kind of glad for the distraction.

"Do you think you will still like me after college." Jason didn't open his eyes.

"I mean, I think so." I shrugged. Should I tell him what I have been mulling over in my brain?

His eyes snap open. "You think so? Doll..." Jason groans slightly. "Please tell me you feel half of what I feel for you."

"I think I feel more than half." I shrug.

"What do you mean?"

"I think..." I pause," I think I like you, a lot."

"'A lot?'" Jason smirked.

I gently push his face away and groan. "Shuddup. Your being annoying!"

"How am I being annoying, I'm just trying to sleep." Jason laughs.

I glare at him. "First, we just woke up, are we really taking a nap? And second, your the one who started this conversation."

There was a knock on the door before Jason could reply. I share a look with him before I climb out of the bed and open the door. Bruce was standing there, looking as emotionless as ever. "Miss Jackson, I'm afraid I need your help."

1199 words


Hey, it's been awhile sorry. But I'm think about adding Bruce in more since I wrote him kind of distant in the beginning and was wondering if I should change that. And second, is Jason super out of character? I tried to get the conversation going to get some fluff and try to get them closer together but idk Jason seems kinda weird.

Anyway, we got a lot of snow and I have a lot of school work since they never said the work wasn't on the google classroom for the class and it was somewhere completely different. So yay me.

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe and do your work. <3

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