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Following Damian to the training room, I made small talk with Jason. " So, ready to get beat by a ten year old?"

I laughed, it was becoming obvious that he didn't have anything to talk about but still wanted to conserve, " I don't think I will."

" We should probably get someone to be a referee, since you guys might end up killing each other." Dick appeared at the doorway.

" I would never." I mock gasped and placed a hand over my heart.

Jason pointed at Damian, " He might, though."

I smiled and shook my head, " So who's going to get Tim to be referee?"

Everyone looked to Jason. Who groaned and slouched down like a five year old who had just been asked to pick up their toys. " Why do I have to?"

" Because me and Dami have to warm up."

" And I have to make sure they don't kill each other before they start training." Dick shrugs. I have no idea why he didn't want to go get Tim. I just didn't want to because I'm lazy.

" I can do-"

" No you can't. We all know that." Dick rolled his eyes and sat on the bench by the door. Jason huffed and stumped out the door.

" Don't you have a job?" I asked.

" Do you know want me here?"

" I never said that." I swung my sword around in my wrist as I began to warm up. " I'm just asking because your always here."

" Your always here." Dick countered.

I stopped in my tracks, then I turned to face him. Asking if he was serious with a look. Since he gave me this dumb, confused glance, " Give it a second."

Dicks face went red and he put his head in his hands. " But I'm here on a lead and I need some help with following it."

" Hmh. You seem to need help a lot." I send him a teasing smirk.

" Ha ha. It's not my fault that there is a cheerleader tormenting people." Dick huffed and slouched against the wall.

" Kelli?" The name slipped from my mouth before I could stop it.

" What?" Dick leaned forward. Even Damian seemed to slow down on warming up.

" Oh, she was a cheerleader in my school. And I wasn't the most popular, if you could tell." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

Suddenly, Jason walked in with Tim, who looked half asleep as usual. Jason sat on the bench next to Dick, then pushed his older brother off the bench. I rolled my eyes and turned my back, they weren't part of the job description.

" You guys ready?" Tim asked. Dami and I got ready. He actually got into a fighting stance and I just kinda stood there, " Go."

Damian lunged at me. Sneaky as always, his feet never making any noise. I easily dodged. Since he lunged as soon as Tim tiredly said go, he was obviously eager to fight and I wanted to see how far I could push him. Test his patience. Was I really a good babysitter if I didn't teach him anything?

Every time Damian would lunge at me, I would push his blade away with mine and side step. Damian growled, " Stop toying with me! Fight me, Jackson!"

I smirked and perked my eyebrow, " You sure?"

" Yes. I want to spar with you. No holding back." The small boy demanded.

Of course I wasn't going to not hold back. He could be dead sooner then anyone, even Jason, would want. I nodded, " Okay."

We circle each other until he growled again, " Attack me!"

" Tch." I mocked him, " So impatient." Then I lunged.

Damian immediately blocked, pushing me back. Using a mix of slashes and stabs I never let him have a chance to attack. Using one more slash I pushed him back. Then gliding to the swing, I sung towards his back using the flat side of the sword. He stumbled forward, trying to catch his breath. Kicking his back with my foot to send him father away.

He turned around to face me, huffing and puffing. I gave him a look that asked if he was okay. He replied with a snarl, that answered it. He was fine and pissed. I motioned for him to keep coming at me. Damian huffed one more time then ran at me, ready to strike. I brought my sword back up to block and push him away.

I played defense this time, but I would switch spots and glide around him since his reaction time needed work. Since I was always moving around, I kept Damian on his toes. He kept swiveling around trying to hit me. Then once I got bored, I smirked at him. Then switched to offense. Going faster then before, I would hit him with the blunt side of the blade. When he finally blocked me, I twisted my blade and threw his sword across the floor. Holding the tip of the blade to his neck but making sure it was a few inches away from his neck.

" Percy wins." Tim yawns, " How did you best the Demon?"

I shrugged, " My family was pretty keen on winning."

" Yeah, but he was trained by league of assassins, he normally didn't lose unless it's to the people the trained him." Dick stared wide eyed.

" Yeah, and you didn't even break a sweat." Jason smirked at me. My face went hot and I pushed Jason lightly. Dick looked between me and Jason, then slightly scowled.

" Anyway," I looked between Dick and Jason who were staring at each other, " Since I won, I guess I get to pick the movie?"

" I want a rematch!" Damian snarled.

" That will have to wait." Bruce spoke from the doorway, making me wonder how much he saw, " As much as I would like to see Percy spar again, Damian, we have to leave."

" Can it wait a moment, Father?" Damian pleaded with his father.

" No. You need to rest and get ready to leave." Bruce sounded as cold as ever.

" Where are we going, Father?" Damian grumbled as he walked towards the doorway.

" We have locations on a possible scarecrow hideout." Bruce side stepped for Damian to walk past him.

" Percy, Tim is capable of taking care of himself. You are welcome to come in tomorrow but it's not required." Bruce nodded and walked away.

" So," Jason turned to me, " You free tomorrow?"

I rolled my eyes, " Come one, I want to watch Moana."

" Maybe we can go bowling?" Jason asked.

" I'll go bowling." Dick walks up to me, easily keeping up with my pace, " How about you?"

" Sure." I shrugged. I hadn't gone bowling in a very long time and it seemed like fun. Plus, it was only ten dollars for an hour which was about two games, " Got nothing better to do unless Timmy wants me to stay."

Tim looked up from his phone, " What?"

" He'll be fine, come hang out with me." Jason slung his arm over my shoulders as we walked to the gaming room.

1178 words


So, I think I'm leaning towards Jason but a lot of you want poly so I might do that if I find out more about it. But also, the thought of the other one being jealous as hell kinda cracks me up.

Also, Mrs_Spider_Man says that Jason doesn't show emotion so she is leaning more towards Dick, so I might have Jason show a lot of emotion soon, but not in a good way. Idk this book was just getting so fluffy ig.

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

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