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We sat down at the booth with two other people. One was a red head with a heavy dusty of freckles and green eyes. The other was a blonde lady with dark grey eyes. She looks like she could be a daughter of Athena. Which made me want to test my theory but I didn't know how to do that without being weird.

Dick slid in the circular booth and slid next to the girl. I followed and sat next to Dick, who greeted the couple, " Hey guys, you order, yet?"

" Don't be a dick," The red head laughed, and I smirked, " Introduce your 'friend.'"

The girl nudges him in the side, then offers her hand to shake, " I'm Artemis and this idiot is Wally."

That's ironic. I give a kind smile, then take her hand, " I'm Percy."

" How do you know Dick?" Wally wiggles his eyebrows, reminding me of Leo.

" Oh, gods, there's another one." I accidentally said in Hawaiian.

Dick looked at me, " What language was that?"

" Hawaiian." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

" Are you Hawaiian?" Artemis asked.

" Yeah, my mother is full and my dad is half." I nod.

" Hey, you never answered my question." Wally whined.

I laughed, " I babysit his brothers."

" How's the demon?" Wally asked, disgust and fear written on his face.

" He's not that bad!" I defended.

" Oh my gosh! Dick! Is this your girlfriend?" A voice said next to me. Glancing up, I saw a brunette with half of the freckles of Wally and green eyes. Next to her was a boy with black hair and a stone like expression on his face.

" Um, no. I'm not." She gave me Aphrodite cabin vibes on ten fold, which scared me.

" Oh! hello, Megan!" The girl, Megan, I'm guessing, face palmed and then offered her hand like Artemis. " I'm Megan."

" Oh, yeah, I kinda got that." My eyes were a bit wide, trying to take all of it in, " I'm Percy."

I scoot closer to Dick so they would half enough room to sit down. Then whispered to Dick, " Is this all of them?"

" No, there's one more." He whispered back.

" So, Percy? Who's your favorite superhero?" Wally asked, " I bet it's Kid Flash, he's the best."

I racked my brain, trying to find any information on Kid Flash but came up empty handed. Slowly shaking my head, " No. I'm not a big superhero fan so I don't know many. But if I had to choose, I guess Robin."

Dick laughs, " What about Nightwing."

" No. He seems like a dick." I sit back and cross my arms. Wally burst out laughs.

" It sounds like you've met him." Artemis smirks, her eyes barely glancing at Dick.

" I have, I was getting mugged and he saved me." I smile.

" So, how about Green Arrow?" The blonde asks.

" Is he an archer?" I asked, tilting my head. 

" Wow, you really don't know anything." Artemis  shakes her head.

" I know more then you think." I mutter. Dick besides me laughs.

" I apologize for my tardiness." Kaldur lightly rubs the neck of his turtleneck, obviously not liking the way it touches his gills.

" Hey, Kaldur." I smile, sending a small wave.

" Hello, Perseus." He said, bowing his head. Everyone at the table froze, looking between Kaldur and I.

" Oh, god." I sigh, " It's Percy."

" My apologies."

" So, um," Dick chuckles uncomfortably, " How do you know him?"

" It's a long story." I explained, but not at all.

Wally's eyes were wide and were still looking between Kaldur and I, " We were just talking about our favorite superheroes."

" Oh, mine is probably AquaMan." Kaldur answered. And I snorted.

Everyone seemed to be having a mental conversation around me. Nudging Dick next to me, he breaks the conversation, " Anyway, what have you been doing?"

" Oh, you know. Just running around." Wally snorted at the secret joke.

" How do you like babysitting?" Megan asked.

" I like it, but I'm just doing it until I have enough money for college."

" What are you gonna study?" Artemis asked.

" Marine Biology." I answer.

" That's cool! I wanna be a chemical engineer!" Wally said.

" Maybe we can work together to clear up pollution?" I joke.

" Ooh! A chemical to help wildlife but take out pollution! I have so many ideas already!" Wally started rambling on.

" I have no idea what he's saying." I whisper to Dick.

He laughed, " No one does."

After we ordered, I didn't get anything, they brought out the food. We made small talk and chatted randomly. It was quite entertaining to see them try and hide their double life's but still tell everyone what's been going on. After most had finished half of their food, I asked. " Hey, what time is it?"

" Seven thirty eight." Wally answered, looking at his watch on his wrist.

" Oh, well, I better be going," After everyone on my right shuffled out, I stood up, " Not everyone can run as fast as you can, Wally."

" What! You knew this whole time!" Wally placed his head on the table, barley missing the plates of food he had.

" Hello, Megan! That's how you knew Kaldur." Megan facepalmed again.

" Do you always talk on third person?" I ask, trying to be as polite as possible.

" Yeah, it's a habit I picked up from a tv show." Megan blushed and looked down. Conner glared a bit more forcefully at me.

" No, no, it's cool. I was just wondering." I smiled, " I think it's quirky."

Megan almost instantly lit back up. Kaldur stood up, " Maybe I should accompany you. Make sure you get there safely."

" Um, sure? Well, it was nice meeting everyone, hopefully we can do this again." I smile and wave. Kaldur nodded and followed me to the door.

" Perseus, what are you doing here?" Kaldur asked.

" It's Percy. Please, or I'm gonna go around calling you Kaldur'amh." I rolled my eyes.

" If that is what you wish." Kaldur shrugged and put an arm out to stop me from crossing the street, " Be careful of your surroundings."

" Yeah, yeah, whatever. But I command you to call me Percy. Does that do anything?"

" As you wish, Percy." He sighs, " You know, it is against the rules to be so informal."

" Is it against the rules when I ask you to?"

Kaldur didn't answer. We just continued down the road to the manor.

1063 words


So, what do you want to see? More Dami fluff, more past related stuff( already on the way), more ship related stuff, where she meets Roy?

Also, for those of you who are participating in Fourth of July, please be safe and use common sense. Don't be an idiot.

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

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