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When I woke up the next day from a nightmare, I had four hours before work. After I got home at midnight I had a nightmare. It was unusual in the sense that I had just met them.

It was a dream about the boys I had just met. Damian, Tim, Jason and Dick were all held captive by a mentally insane clown with blood all around them. They were in costumes that reminded me of a distant memory. Dick was in Nightwing's costumes but I could tell it was him. They all had something about them that gave them away. Tim's always analyzing gaze and Damian's cool outer stance but the way he was stressing on the outside. The one with the white streak matches Jason's and the way he obviously didn't care about him self, just about the people around him. Dick had all three of those, trying to get out without hurting anyone besides himself.

After seeing them beaten up and bruised I couldn't go back to sleep. So I laid on my bed, fidgeting with my pen, trying to decide what was going to happen to get that since it was a demigod dream. It felt so real and it was as if I could reach out and grab one of the boys. My mind raced for an hour. Trying to put the boys I babysit and are becoming friends with into the characters of the vigilantes that help two of the most crime ridden cities.

After and hour I couldn't take it. I sat up and put my shoes on. There was nothing in the small little apartment that I could do to occupy my time while I wait for work to star. It was around five a' clock when I got out the door. I pulled my jacket tighter around me as I stepped outside.

Nothing was open, so I was just walking about. I was trying to avoid alleys and stay on on the sidewalk, away from stray cars full of drink drivers and crack heads. Trying to look at the stars that the clouds cover, I saw movement on the roof top. Furrowing my eyebrows, I walk cautiously into the alley and climb the fire escape as quietly as possible. After I get to the top I see Jason in his costume. But he had a red helmet on with white slits for eyes.

I sit down next to him on the roof top. After he sees me sit down he jumps, " Jesus! How'd you get up here so quietly."

" I dunno." I shrugged.

" What are you doing?" He asked. It was obliviously Jason's voice, deep and slightly husky. Almost as if he hadn't used it in a while and was just picking up speaking again, " You're not gonna kill me, right?"

" No." I shook my head.

Jason stared at me, then sighed, " You okay?"

" Yeah."

" What are you doing up?" He wondered.

" I couldn't sleep." I couldn't give away too much since he was Jason and would definitely tell Bruce and the others.

" Why's that?" Jason asked.

I shrugged again. The dream was getting to me for some reason. Most demigod dreams don't get to me this bad, but there was something completely wrong with the way Jason was in the dream. He was terrified of the clown. The way I would act to Tartarus. It didn't take knowing Jason long to figure that out.

" Are you okay?" Jason asked.

I thought about it. Did I really want to spill everything to a stranger that I met a few hours ago? " Yeah, just tired."

" Why don't you go to sleep, doll?"

" Because I'd have to walk home. And I want to see the sunrise." I shrug.

" What's so special about sunrises?" Jason asked, " You can barley even see them in Gotham."

" 'Cause they're pretty. And they mean new beginnings and a new day. Cliche stuff." Pulling my jacket tighter around me.

" You don't seem to be the ' New day, new beginnings' kind of girl." Jason leaned against the wall surrounding the roof.

" Yeah, and what girl do I seem to be?" I wonder.

" The ' sunrises are a new day but it's not a new beginning' kind of girl." Jason shrugged.

I let out a short laugh, then shook my head. " You get that from the two minutes of me sitting here?"

" Well, your ' I want to watch the sunrise' is a bullshit excuse." Jason shook his head.

I smiled and put my head against the wall behind us, closing my eyes. My eyelids felt heavy and my lumps were slowly relaxing. Then I thought about the dream I had later that morning and my limps and eyelids didn't seem so heavy anymore. Sighing, I sat up and looked at the moon shining hard to peek out of the clouds. I stood up and started to walk to the fire escape.

" Where are you going?" Jason asked.

" Home. You've already called me out on my bullshit excuse." I started to climb down when I saw Jason in his helmet look over the edge.

" Do you need me to walk you home?"

" You sound like Nightwing."

" Ugh, don't say that." Jason jumped down, stopping halfway down by grabbing the side of the railing before jumping down the last two stories.

" He's your brother, right?" I asked.

Jason looked at me sharply, " How did you know that?"

Startled at his harsh tone, I step back. " I just had a feeling. I didn't know for sure. I was just asking. Had I known it was a sensitive topic I wouldn't have brought it up."

" Hmh." Jason grunted and it was silent as we passed alleys and buildings, " Yeah, he is."

" I've always wanted a sibling. They seem fun." I stuff my hands in my pockets and watch Jason.

" Sometimes." He shrugged, " Your an only child?"

" Technically. I have a bunch of half siblings but I've never met most of them." I didn't want to start talking about my family since it could give away to the boys about my family and I didn't want that.

" Lucky." Jason sighed.

" Not really, I've always wanted a sibling. They seem fun, annoying, but fun." I smile, thinking of Tyson.

" Sometimes."

1042 words


So, I feel bad to let you down but I'm not gonna do a poly story. I was, but it was brought to my attention that Percy is too loyal to date two people at the same time so I'm going to do Dick or Jason, not both. But there will be a love triangle for a little bit.

And if your sick, cuz I have friends and readers who are sick, get some rest and drink water.

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

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