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Dick turned down the radio, " Do you know what you want to do?"

" Like, career wise?" I turned from the window to Dick. He looked back and me and nodded, then went back to the road.

" Yeah."

" Um," I shrugged, then went back to the window. I haven't really thought about life after this summer. I didn't want to leave Damian or Tim, and now Cass, but this job was just supposed to help me pay for college. Not keep me from it. " I still think I'll go into marine biology."

" Is there a reason you hesitated?" The man asked. He stole a glance at me.

" I don't know. Do I want to leave being a babysitter. I mean I had a lot of fun before this week."

" What do you mean?" Dick turned most of his attention to me as we pulled up to a red light. I turned my head back to look at him, " Is Cass not being cooperative?"

" No, no, no, she's fine. She's...herself? She seems to like me and she listens. It's Damian. He doesn't like me anymore." I sigh.

" What makes you say that?" Dick asked.

I raise an eyebrow, " He never comes out of his room. And never talks to me."

" Hmh, that's weird." Dick smirked, " At least I'm the favorite now."

" Dick!" I whine, " This is serious. I just wanna know what I did so I can apologize."

" I'm sure he's just in one of those moods." Dick reassured.

" Maybe." I shrugged and looked back out the window. This doesn't feel like a mood, " But I guess it doesn't matter anymore."

Dick froze and looked at me, carefully asking the next question, " And why is that?"

" I'm going to college in a few weeks. I'll probably put my two weeks in Bruce gets back. So, Damian only has to put up with me for two more weeks." My eyes stung briefly.

Dick let out a sigh of relief, " Oh, god. But why do you sound so sad?"

I turned to him, " What do you mean, 'why do I sound sad?' I like Damian and Tim and I want to get to know Cass better. And I don't want Damian to hate me when I leave."

" He doesn't hate you. And your not leaving, your just going to the next chapter. And you can come over for holidays and birthdays. But your not going to forget them and they aren't going to forget you." Dick reassured.

" I hope so. I just feel guilty leaving. Like I haven't done anything with them." I sigh.

" Damian has come out of his shell more then ever. You did a lot for him. Tim has actually gotten a nights worth of sleep, and Cass seems pretty happy." Dick glanced at me, " You did a lot for them that you will probably never know."

I didn't reply and just turned to the window for the rest of the drive. One time, I did look over at him. He was focused on the road, but he was obviously thinking about something. By the way I could see his eyebrows furred, ans the wrinkles it caused. I wanted to smooth them out with my thumb and see was what in his mind. I shook my head from those thoughts and went back to the window.

When we got back to my apartment complex, he pulled into a parking spot and we sat there for a minute. I felt my chest constricting and my breathing getting shallow. Tears pricked my eyes, giving a brief, " Thanks."

I quickly got out of the car and closed the door. Quickly going to the stairs and sitting on the first step. I felt tears start falling as I stuck a fist in my stomach. Dick sat next to me and pulled me in his chest.

" I don't know what to do. Why does Damian hate me? And why can't I figure out what to with my life? It's all so stressful." I cried into his chest, it felt like everything was crash down. If I left for college I would let down the kids but I stayed, would I let down myself?

" It's alright." Dick ran a hand through my hair.

I let out a soft chuckle, pushing away from him. I wipe my tears, " I don't even know why I'm crying."

" Because your human, and humans have emotion. They can control it and should hide them. Sometimes the emotions don't make sense for what is going on in our life, but that doesn't make them any less valid." Dick wipes the extra tears from my cheeks.

I smiled softly as I muttered a thanks. I fiddled with the end of my sleeves in my lap. Dick pulled my jaw to look up at me. He asked softly, " Can I...can I kiss you?"

My eyes went wide with shock, but nodded slowly. We both leaned in and glanced between our lips and our eyes. Our lips met in the middle and I could taste his vanilla chapstick. Our lips moved in sync, as my hands went to the back of his neck.

I pulled away and took a deep breathe. Playing with the hair on the back of his head, " What now?"

" I'll pick you up tomorrow, for lunch. Twelve a'clock." Dick smiled at me.

" Alright." I smile.

" It's a date." Dick said. " Come on, let's you go to your apartment."

" Alright." I nod.

He helped me stand up and walked me to the door. Dick gave me a quick peck on the cheek and then I opened the door," Goodnight, Dick, and thanks for the ride."

" Of course. See you tomorrow." He nods and goes back down the stairs.

Stepping inside, I kicked my shoes off and all but collapsed on the mattress. Today had been a lot. Now, did I have to work Dick into the mix of trying to figure out what to do?

Before I could even get close to sleep, there was a knock on my door. Groaning, I opened it, " Really?"

" I'm sorry, but I really need your help."

1022 words


Hey, so I still wouldn't get too comfy with Dick(hehe) since I still want Jason to get jealous with Kaldur and stuff.

The next chapter will be up soon, hopefully(:

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

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