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I watched as the couple disappeared. " Nice to meet you!"

They waved as they turned to mist. I turned to the god, " Thank you, Hades."

" Yeah, yeah, whatever. You filled your payment for the letter. We're even." Hades waved his hand in a bored way, " Now, please my kingdom."

I smiled, " Of course." He didn't have to tell me twice. As much I respected him and admired him, I hated being under ground. But I highly doubt that he would kill me this close to Christmas, but you never know with a god.

It had been a full semester at college and Christmas was a couple days away. I had just gotten Dick's gift, I already had Tim's, Alfred's, Cass's, Bruce's and technically Damian's. Although since it wasn't on my persons, I didn't know if it would count. I hope Bruce didn't kill me for it. But now I just need Jason's. What do you get for someone you have feelings for but in a way friend zoned them since you moved away to college?

I'll figure something out, I thought as I climbed out of the cave. I squinted at the sun and shuttered at the feeling of the underworld washed off me in waves. I felt bad for Nico, who often went in there.

I wish I could have been home by now, a week and a half ago, even. But I needed Hades help with a Christmas gift, so I spent the week and a half paying the debt back. In all honesty, I had no energy to try and make it back to the manor, but the only motivation I had was to seem Damian sooner. I had been working overtime and using all my power to kill the escaped monsters and send ghost back, either bringing back the balance between monsters in Tartarus and out of Tartarus or to put dead people back where they belong. My mist travel miles were sky high, but my energy was in the negatives.

I quickly said goodbye to Black Jack, who let me wash off in the ocean before dropping me off here so I don't smell like death. Then I walked up the path, gripping the strap of the duffel bag. The presents were in my enchanted backpack that could hold anything without changing the shape of the bag or getting full. I knocked on the door and waited for Alfred to open it.

I had to say, the sudden change of temperature was not very good for me. But it was pretty to see the snow on the trees. " Ah, Miss Perseus, Master Damian was beginning to doubt your appearance."

" I'm sorry, I just had to do some last minute shopping and it took longer then I expected." I felt really bad, did Damian really think I was going to not show up. " Where is he?"

" Perhaps, I could show you to the showers." Alfred raised an eyebrow.

My face immediately went red with embarrassment and the cold from outside was thrown out by my body becoming warm. " I promise I shower regularly, I just had to meet up with a guy that lives in a cave and-"

" I believe you, Miss Perseus. There's no need to explain yourself. But to my understanding, Master Damian will probably not give you time to shower after he knows your here. He has missed you greatly." Alfred showed me to the room I would've staying in and showed me the soaps under the sink.

" Thanks, Alfred." I smiled. He nodded and closed the door. I locked it and quickly took a shower, but scrubbed hard so I wouldn't smell bad. I quickly got out and put on a new pair of sweatpants and long sleeved shirt. Towel drying my hair as much as possible before going back down to the kitchen. " Alfred?"

" Yes, Miss Perseus?" He asked.

" Do I smell better?" I cautiously took a step closer to him.

He half-heartily glared at me, but sniffed my shoulder, " Much."

" Good, now where is he?" I asked.

" Where is who?" Alfred smirked at me.

" That's not funny! I've missed him!" I groaned. It honestly felt so weird not seeing him or Cass or any of the others every day. Damian had become something of a brother and I wanted to hang out with him.

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