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I could tell this was going to be a 'fun' day when I had trouble choosing what car to go in. Jason absolutely refused to go in the car with Dick and they wasn't enough space for all three of us on Jason's bike-not that Jason would even let him on the bike. Looking between Dick and Jason, I couldn't decide.

" Jason, can we please just ride in Dick's car." I pleaded. Because if I had to choose I would most definitely ride with Jason just because he has a bike. But I didn't want to hurt Dick's feelings.

Jason narrowed his eyes at me, then groaned. Looking up to the sky, like a little kid. " Fine."

" Thank you." I was just slightly annoyed. They didn't seem this agitated with each other before. Did something happen between them?

I sat in the seat behind Dick, letting Jason take the seat behind the passenger. Poor Dick was up there by himself. " You left me alone?"

" Well, it's either Jason can sit behind you or he sits beside you." I shrugged and waited for the car to start.

" Fair point." Dick looked at us expectingly.

" Are you gonna go or are you use just sit there?" Jason rolled his eyes.

" I'm waiting." Dick said, very impatiently.

" So are we." I give him a pointed look.

" Seat belts." He finally explained. Both Jason and I groaned. Then grudgingly pulled the seat belts across and snapped them in, " Thank you."

Dick looked forward and pulled out of the circle drive. After a small drive we made it the bowling ally. It looked a little rough but over looked pretty safe for a bowling alley in Gotham. The outside was painted bricks with a metal covering to protect the door. On the inside it was retro themed. Triangles with different shades of blue were on the wall. There was an arcade tucked into the corner on the right back corner and with the shoe rack and food stands on the left.

" Alright, welcome to Gotham's Alley." There was a high schooler sitting tiredly at the desk. She was previously working on her math homework, which was open on the desk in front of her, " What are your shoe sizes."

After we gave her our sizes and got the right shoes we went to lane seven. Dick, being the oldest and most responsible, put our names in the board. Dick went first, then Jason, then me. " Yas!"

" You're cheating." Jason playfully glared. The boys both groaned at my fifth spare.

" I am not!" I defend while laughing.

" Nah, she's just better then you." Dick joked and got up to finish his turn.

" At least I can fight." Jason backed up.

" That has nothing to do-" Dick cut himself off, " What?"

I laughed nervously, trying to clear the air. What the actual hell went on between them. When I first met Jason they just seemed to have a normal sibling rivalry. Got along most of the time with the exception of a few fights. Not they are like toddlers fighting over the same toy, " Come on, let's just finish the game and get something to eat."

Jason glared at Dick while Dick rolled his eyes. This childish banter was starting to get annoying and almost gave me a head on the way here. I definitely had one now, Jason walked up to Dick," No, man, what were you going to say?"

" How does fighting have anything to do with bowling?" Dick pointed out.

" Exactly, they don't go together, so let's stop." I try to step in between but get stopped by Jason.

" No, this is between us. And bowling has everything to do with bowling." Jason continues on with Dick.

I sigh and block them out, sitting back on one of the many chairs around our lane. Taking in everyone else in the bowling alley, they seemed to be having fun. Good for them.

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