Chapter 6

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A couple days went by. For the most part, the family had left Annabelle alone to do her own thing. They did introduce her to family members she hadn't met yet. She was the most wary of Emmett because of how big and muscular he was.

One night, Annabelle was having trouble sleeping. She got out of bed and quietly went into the hallway. It was late, so she assumed everyone else was asleep. As quietly as she could, Annabelle made her way down the stairs. She was surprised to see a faint of light on and the quiet sound of the tv in the living room. She stood there, not really sure what to do.

"Annabelle?" She heard behind. Annabelle jumped in surprise. She turned around to see Rosalie standing before her. "I'm sorry." Rosalie apologized. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"Annabelle, what are you doing up?" Carlisle asked as he and Esme came from the living room.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep, but I'll go back up to bed." Annabelle said, talking fast. She didn't want to get in trouble for being up this late. She started to head back to the stairs.

"Annabelle, wait." Carlisle stopped her. Annabelle turned back around. "You don't have to apologize. You're not in trouble." Carlisle said. "It's ok if you're having trouble sleeping."

"Why don't you come watch tv with us for a little bit." Esme said.

Annabelle nodded and followed them into the room. Emmett was also there. She sat on the couch, next to Carlisle and Esme.

"This might help." Rosalie said as she came back into the room. She handed Annabelle a glass of warm milk. "

Thank you." Annabelle said, taking the glass.

"You're welcome." Rosalie said.

Annabelle sipped the milk. She didn't bother to ask why they were up so late. She soon started to feel herself getting sleepy and soon asleep on the couch. Carlisle brought her back up to bed.

The next morning, Esme and Carlisle were in their bedroom. "Carlisle, you can't keep calling out of work." Esme said.

"I want to make sure Annabelle is settled in before I go back to work." Carlisle said.

"She's gotten settled in." Esme said.

"She still only trusts me." Carlisle said.

"She's not going to get used to rest of us if you're still here for her comfort." Esme said.

"Esme, it's only been a week since she's been here." Carlisle said.

"And you can't keep taking off work." Esme said.

"Well, Rebecca's stopping by today to see how she's settling and I think tonight's the first night we're supposed to take Annabelle out for dinner." Carlisle said. "So, I'll wait till tomorrow to go back to work."

"Alright." Esme said. "There is something that we'll have to discuss about pretty soon."

"What?" Carlisle asked.

"Schooling for Annabelle." Esme replied.

"I know." Carlisle said. "We'll talk to Rebecca about that." Esme nodded. "It sounds like Annabelle's getting up." Carlisle said.

"I'll go downstairs to start making her breakfast." Esme said, walking out of the room. Carlisle followed.

While Annabelle was eating breakfast, Alice came into the kitchen. "Hey Annabelle." She started, softly. As to not startle her.

"Yes?" Annabelle asked, looking up from her food.

"We finished decorating your room, if you'd like to see it when you're done eating." Alice said.

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