TROC Red Cream Soda x reader || dating preferences

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This one is set in Troc5, but I think the photo I used makes it obvious.

- Red is the most adorable guy you've ever met, and started dating. He's almost too precious for you to even handle.

- First of all, he doesn't care what genitals you have, or if you use neopronouns, as long as you're you, that's okay with him.

- The pet names he usually calls you are; hunny, sweetheart, boo-boo, love, cupcake, nutter butter, pumpkin, darling, and (the one he mostly uses) 'apple of my eye'.

- He's very snuggly. Will cuddle at any time, whenever you want.

- You're in the car? There's time for some quick cuddling. You're feeling depressed? That's okay, he's getting the blankets. Oh, you're sick? He'll just be sick with you!

- He especially likes to watch movies and TV shows while cuddling. He loves comedies, heartwarming stuff, and anything with cats (or dogs) in them.

- Red's favorite TV show is Family Guy. It's where he gets most of his sense of humor from. He even made a parody song of the intro for TROC.

- The guy is actually pretty strong. You're not sure how, but he is. He once accidentally kicked a hole THROUGH the wall while trying to get out of bed.

- Sometimes when he sees a cat, or a dog on Twitter, he'll try to beg you to get one. You always say no, and then he's grumpy for, like- two minutes.

- He's very clumsy. So don't leave anything on the floor when he's home, especially near the stairs. You don't have any way to bring him back, he just reappears the next day.

- Sometimes you'll find him doing weird shit, like;

- Red making himself a smoothie at two in the fucking morning.

- Him bawling his eyes out while looking at sad cat and dog videos.

- And sometimes he'll just...stand there, staring at the wall...

- You have to buy a lot of red cream soda for him, and you have an entire cooler filled with the big bottles.

- Sometimes you two will try to mix up some things, by filling him up with different sodas and drinks; SunnyD, Coca Cola, Sprite, the Yoo-hoo chocolate milk, and sometimes Tea. (He turns British)

- While refilling him, you once (as a joke) put mentos into his head to see what would happen. News flash, he just exploded, and you needed to get stitches from the glass.

- If you're a fan of the drink Root Beer, please keep away from Red while drinking it, or hide it in a cup. If you don't, be prepared to make Red have WW2-like flashbacks.


- Usually is a bottom, but he can top. He'll be gentle though, he doesn't want to hurt you, after all.

- Red likes to roleplay, his favorite is him being your landlord and your rent being due.

- Open to try new things in bed. Sometimes you'll bring up something for the two of you to do, and he'll be like "actually, I've been wanting to see how it is,"

- He doesn't really like using toys, he even said that it makes him feel like you're finding more pleasure with the toys, than him. He can still use them though, he'll just be a little upset about it.

- Peg him. Peg this man. You better peg him until he cannot even stand!

- If you're ever riding him, you're usually careful to not put your full weight on him. No, it's not him judging you if you're overweight, it's just- he's glass.

- Sometimes in the morning, he'll complain about his back hurting from the other night. Which is a little confusing, since he doesn't bend, because he's glass, but you'll give him a massage to help.

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