Four x reader x X || headcannons

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This was requested by MoonFurriesMetalhead and I honestly love this idea ^^
Also the drawing was made by Supermary64 on Tumblr.

Dating X and Four (poly relationship) would include

♥ Four constantly wanting head pats.

♥ X and Four craving juice boxes 35% of every day.

♥ X and Four hugging your legs as you're trying to walk.

♥ X attaching themself to you when the lights/electricity blow out.

♥ At some point Four will call you 'Infinity'.

♥ X will sometimes call you 'lovey lovey'.

♥A daily game of patty-cake with X.

♥"No! Four, you cannot rip my friend's limbs off!"

♥Four being jealous of ANYONE who comes over, even if they're related to you, or WAY too young to even try anything with you. Four doesn't care. Person is person.

♥X hiding in the cabinets and surprising you on holidays & special occasions.

♥Four being your personal screeching alarm clock (kiss his forehead to make it stop).

♥When there's a thunderstorm, you better prepare for when these two come running towards you, terrified, screaming your name. If you do prepare, then expect hours of just cuddling under a blanket.

♥X begging you to stay home when you need to go somewhere.

♥Four coming to you, bawling his eyes out, when he hurts himself.

♥Mate, if Four even SEES anyone else in your house, there will be a loud-ass screech that'll knock anyone unconscious.

♥If you're ever drunk, X would be terrified at how you're acting. While, Four would try to take a sip of your beer, thinking it's juice.

♥Drawings X made being hung on the fridge.

♥Four chewing on all of your shoes and clawing the couch when you're out of the house.

♥Four will sometimes be in the mood to cuddle, it's mostly when he's tired though.

♥X almost never wanting to leave your side.

♥"X, can I PLEASE just take a shower without you dangling from my leg?"

♥You ain't having kids with these aliens, and I'm pretty sure neither of them want kids anyway.

♥They're both most likely asexual, and their species probably asexually produces as well, sex. Ya nasty.

♥If you even think that you can be in your underwear without these two cuddling your legs and calling you cute. YOU. ARE. WRONG.

♥X constantly apologizing and asking if you're okay.

♥Four hating it, and hiding on top of your dresser, when you have to vacuum the house.

♥No. You cannot go and visit anyone.

(These are if you have any unique qualities. If this is in any way offensive, please tell me.)

♥If you're chub or plump, Four will probably sleep on on your tummy at night. And X will probably play bongos on your it when their bored.

♥If you have scars, they'll probably think it's cool. Like you won a fight or survived an animal attack. And even if you tell them what happened & it's not those reasons, they'll probably still think that it's cool.

♥If you have any stretch marks, X will trace their fingers on them at night when they can't sleep. Four won't really mind them though.

♥If you are missing any limbs, X will probably be the most understanding and not make fun of you or think it's weird, since they did get their limbs ripped off a couple times. Four would still love you the same way.

♥If you're sensitive to sound, Four probably won't understand and accidentally screech in your ears a few times. But when you explain it to him, he probably still won't understand, but he won't screech in your face anymore.

(I can't think of anything else at the moment, but if you have something that's not on here. You can tell me and I'll probably add it, but just know that people will love you, even if you're embarrassed of anything on your body, or just your body in general.

Okie, love y'all. o3o 💞

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