Six x reader || you make me look insane

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The drawing was made by Sw4g_numer4Is on instagram.
I headcannon that Six uses she/they pronouns and I have been ever since I saw them. And apparently Six's cannon voice just wasn't enough to convince me otherwise. XD
Also I did this cause I'm working on a headcannon list, and Six will be in there.
And this was requested by CorgiColonies

It's seven in the fucking morning. You were just outside with Six, in your backyard. She had begged you to let her outside for all of the neighborhood to see. To be honest, you're not embarrassed about it, but you are mad.

Six had dragged you out of your bed and down the stairs by your leg. The bite marks on your leg are still dripping a bit of blood.

But, anyway, you were just swinging on your porch swing, tired as all hell. "Thanks for letting me outside, (Y/n)," Six says, blowing bubbles right next to you. At least you won't see bubbles everywhere inside today. "Mm hm.." You nod.

Six then continued to blow bubbles, especially in your direction. You just pet the Algebrailen's head, stretching head back. Six widened their eyes, probably feeling the weirdest sensation that they've ever fucking felt in their life.

"No, thank you.." You say, rubbing your eyes. "For making me look insane to the entire neighborhood, even though they already know I actually am..." You whispered the last bit, making Six laugh. They just leaned on your arm, now quietly giggling to herself.

You just continued to pet them, just not peeling their head back. Six continued to blow bubbles in your face, still quietly giggling. "I'm about to pass out.." You say, sounding tired as hell.(which, you are)

"Go for it, (Y/n), I'll drag you back inside," She tells you, continuing to blow her bubbles. "I don't think I would want to be dragged around in my own home," You reply, rubbing your eyelids. Six giggles again and put their bubble stick down and then clinging onto your arm.

You just groan, leaving Six on there. It's not like you're going to get her off anyway. Once this Algebrailen locks their arms, they aren't letting go, no matter what you do. So, you're not going to fight that, because you know that she'll just bite you if you do.

"Then go inside," She said. "You don't blow bubbles out here anymore, you can't go outside without me.." You told her, then grabbing her bubble-stick and putting it back into its bottle. "You're still tired aren't you? And I don't think you'll be happy to fall asleep outside," They say, still clinging to your arm for dear fucking life.

"Fine," You say as you get up from the porch swing, with the bottle and the small alien. She just clinged there as you walked inside and closed the backdoor. Six continued to stay on your arm as you then made your way up the stairs.

You had then passed out on your bed, leaving Six awake next to you. She could never sleep at night, it's a big problem for her. She's always so tired in the mornings, but it's not it's their fault, they can't help it.

And your cool with that, because the same happens to you.

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