Four x reader x X || bath time

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This was requested by MoonFurriesMetalhead

You were a towel from the cabinets under the sink, getting ready for bath time. And no, not yours, theirs. X and Four.

They both smell soooooo bad, that's why they need baths. They literally smell like a mix of barf, dirt, ash, and sweat. It's so goddamn disgusting, you can't even find ways to describe how you found out that they smelled like that.

All you can say is that they're dirty boiz-

Four and X were already in the bathtub, waiting for you to turn the water on. Actually, they were more confused than anything else, neither of them have any idea what bathing is.

You put the towel on the sink counter, going to the tub. You then turn the water on. Now, X and Four are pretty confused. All you did was tell them to get into the 'tub' without any explanation. "Aaa!" X went, not knowing what you're doing to them.

Four just sat there, staring at the water as it filled the bathtub. "Water," He lightly tapped the water with his hands. "Yeah, water," You tried to form a smile, but couldn't..because you can still smell the horrible stench of these two.

"(Y/n), why are we in here?" X innocently asked, still confused. You then turn off the faucet and shove the plug inside the tub drain. "You smell," You told the two blankly. "Like...badly-" You added.

Four gave you a confused look before saying, crossing his arms. "Well, I don't smell anything!" You just go back to the cabinet and...very quickly find a rag. It was under a roll of toilet paper.

Of course you never found it until a few minutes ago, it's like something wanted you to bath these two weird-ass alien..thingies.....

"Probably because you don't have a nose-" You sigh, sitting on the toilet seat so you could reach in there better. Four gasped, being offended by that. X didn't mind it though, they were just innocently sitting there and playing with the water around them.

"How dare you?!" Four angrily spat, pointing his small chubby finger at you. You just giggled, soaking the rag and slap it on top of his head, covering his eyes. "Oh, shush!" You smiled, rubbing his head as he crossed his arms, being all pissy about the situation.

You looked back at X, seeing them playing with the bubbles, ya know, putting them on his face and stuff. It's actually adorable. You look back at Four and... yep, still pissed off.

"Stop being mad, you stink!" You laugh, continuing to wash his body. He just kept growling as you rubbed the rag on his odd blue skin. Then you grabbed a cup & filled it with water, and just poured it on Four.

Four just screeched, not knowing what's going on. You then grabbed the wall, almost passing out from that cursed noise he made. Holy shit..

You actually felt your brain vibrate...

X looked up at you, concerned. They then hugged Four, trying to calm him down, and it worked. The blue number hugged the smaller Algebrailen, sighing. You caught a glimpse of the scene before closing your eyes tight and opening them again, being fully conscious again.

"X,'s y-your turn..." You shake, still being effected by the screech. X looked up at you, and smiled softly. You then separated them from Four and took the rag.

X giggled as you rubbed his small yellow body with the soapy rag. "Hehehe! That tickles, (Y/n)!!" They laugh aloud. You're actually not surprised that they really cooperated with you, besides Four. He was still sitting there, not being happy, but not mad.

"Good job, buddy," You smile, putting the rag down & grabbing the cup, filling it with water and pouring it on the small Algebrailen. They laughed again as the water was flowing on his yellow foam-like skin.

X happily hugged your arm as you pulled the plug out of the tub and let the water drain. You also grabbed Four and put the two small Algebrailens on the bath mat. You then grabbed the big towel from the sink counter, and immediately wrapping it around the two, smooshing their bodies together.

After a few moments of basically just smooshing their small bodies together with the towel, the two were finally dry.

X tried faster than Four, but that's only because they cooperated with you drying them, while Four didn't. He just kept growling at you, and almost screeched in your face twice. But when you finished drying him off, his body then POOF-

"Oh my.. GAAHH-" You then laughed at the blue number's face. He growled again at you, now being more pissed off. X just giggled, thinking it's a little funny.

Four's skin had puffed and now he looks like a fluffy poodle after their fur was blow-dried. "I love this-" You pant. "Oh my god...can you stay like this forever?" You joke, he didn't like that though.

He just angrily stomped away, out of the room, leaving you and X in the bathroom...

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