X x reader || sleepy sleepy

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Cussing, Nyctophobia
The drawing was made by FunkyChickenAmy on DeviantArt.

"You look sad," Their voice perked, sounding concerned. You just looked down at the small Algebrailen, they look concerned too. "I'm tired, it's late," You shrug your shoulders, sipping on your favorite drink. "Do you always look sad when you're tired?" They asked, now confused.

You nodded, drinking the last of the drink. "Yeah," You then felt something attach to the back of your ankles. You look down to see the Algebrailen trying to hug you. "If you're tired, then you should go sleepy sleepy!" X told you, smiling softly.

You just smile, bending down to pat his head..body...thing?? Anyway, X smiled brightly, not letting go. "Fine.." You whispered, walking away from the kitchen and to the hallway.

Little X was still attached to your leg. They sound like they're having fun too, the small Algebrailen was giggling as your leg moved to as you made your way to the bedroom door.

The small alien pretty much stayed there until you opened your bedroom door and closed it from behind you, leaving the two of you just standing in complete darkness. You can't see a goddamn thing, and you guess that neither can X.

They just jumped off your leg. "Aaaahhh!" The Algebrailen screamed, obviously scared of the dark. You jump at the sound of their high pitched scream. It kinda pinched your ears, actually...

You can hear X hyperventilating in the darkness, along with small sounding footsteps. X even sounded like he was starting to cry. "No no no no! Too dark!!"

You just bent down to the floor and felt on the floor, trying to feel for the small yellow alien, since you can't see anything. "It's too dark!!" X cried, sounding terrified.

That actually kinda made you sad that he's so scared. They're so small, and they get scared easily. It actually makes you sad when the small Algebrailen gets scared.

Eventually you found their body. They even made a little adorable squeak sound when you picked them up by their sides. "Ah-" They gasped, not knowing what's going on. "Hey hey hey hey," You held the small yellow alien's body to your chest, trying to comfort them.

"Calm down, bud.." You whispered, slowly walking to the bed. Now, you know the way around your room, so you can walk around in the dark without actually seeing jack shit.

"Ya know, this is basically the same as closing your eyes. It's just darkness," You explained to them, feeling the small Algebrailen tightly squeezing their arms around your neck as they tremble. They're actually choking you a bit, but it's fine. They're just scared...

You felt the front of your pelvis hit your bed, so you sat on it, continuing to pat the alien's back. "It's the same room at day, it's just dark now, so not really anything changed," You laid down, the yellow creature still trembling on your chest, clinging onto your shirt. "Noooo...it's scary..!" X whined, them breathing against your shirt.

"Then just listen to the silence, that calmed me down when I was younger," You said, petting their back, trying to add a bit more comfort while trying to calm the Algebrailen down.

X was quiet for a few moments, them breathing quickly. Then they gasped and shot the upper bit of their body up from your chest. "I heard footsteps! Someone's in-" They shook. You just put your finger over X's mouth and shushed him. "No no. There isn't,"

"it's just your brain. It's already stressed, so it's trying to make excuses to freak the hell out. That's why you might hear some things when it's quiet," You explained to X.

And weird enough, that actually seemed to calm them down. Their breathing slowed down as they slowly laid back down on your chest. At this point, all you could hear was your own breathing, and their's.

A few moments passed before you whispered. "Goodnight, X.." You softly rubbed your hand on the yellow Algebrailen's back.

They just breathed quietly, their probably already asleep. You just breath, slowly pulling the covers over you and the small alien.

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