X x reader || he'll be back

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The drawing was made by meee

The first thing you noticed, was that throughout every day, X did not show up and hug your legs. They didn't even say hi, they just didn't come over anymore. And you have no idea why, of course you're not mad, you're just confused.

You still remember the last time they visited. It was three weeks ago, and that's how you know something is wrong. X just doesn't not appear in your house. They visit at least five times each week.

But anyway, they were showing you their new powers. They had told you that Four was teaching them to recover the contestants, and you were proud of them...for once.

You still remember how happy they were, and how they were so excited to show you. And yet, all you did was pat their back and say 'that's cool'.

Maybe they were sad that you weren't as excited as them? Or were they just busy learning to recover people. Wait, that's not right...

This small yellow alien would never just blow you off just so they could find out how to bring people back from the dead. They would visit you for at least a few minutes.

You know X, they won't just not visit. So, what the hell happened to them?

You stood from the couch, slowly walking to the kitchen. Your day was just not good, you just feel awful, and it's not that X didn't show up, it's other things...

Like, when you first woke up you almost fell down the stairs because of a plush on the top step, your (fav animal) pillow is gone, you drank all of your favorite drink the day before, the tv is acting shitty, and OH MY GOD-


You honestly feel like you're loosing your goddamn mind. It's like your brain is so used to seeing that Algebrailen, that you just can't go one day without seeing them at least once.

But despite being fucking miserable at the moment, you walk into the kitchen and try to decide what you want to eat. "Hm.."

You look around, knowing that there is no more cake left. You ate all that shit. And your drinks are gone, and the only thing you can think of are small treats...

"Crackers it is.." You sigh softly, walking to the food cabinets. "Fuk'n god.." You mutter, opening the cabinets, just to see something shocking...or someone. "What the fff-" You shockingly gasp aloud, looking at the small yellow alien in your cabinet.

"Where the hell?!" You angrily spat at the smol scared creature. They just trembled, hugging your animal pillow. "D-don't yell..!" They stuttered, looking like they're about to break down.

That was when you told yourself to calm down, cause you know this yellow bean is precious and should never be shouted at...

You just sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. A few tears are actually tingling in your eyes, wow. Did you really miss them that much??

"X..w-why are you in my food cabinet?" You mentally fought back the urge to just let tears drop from your goddamn eyes. Damn, you've never felt like this towards anyone, especially a goddamn alien. What is happening?!

"It's safe here.." The Algebrailen whispered, hugging your pillow tighter for comfort. "I don't feel great," They then closed their eyes tight, obviously thinking of something. You just sigh, picking up the small alien and just start holding them. "Bud, ..what happened?" You questioned.

X just sniffles, still hugging your (fav animal) pillow tightly. "Uh.." They start. "F-Four..." The alien tries to tell you. "H-he's...gone.." X sniffles again.

You just pat their back softly, not understanding what they're trying to say. "What do you mean?" You ask, petting their foam-like-feeling head. X sniffles again, a few tears just dripped from his face as he tried to tell you again. "I..I- H-he's gone..a-and he's not back yet.." They cried, hugging your shoulders.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.." You gasp, trying to mentally put some of the pieces together. "What?" You furrow your eyebrows. "Where did he go?"

X then cried. "He b-be-became the... desert.." You gave X a confused look before walking back into the living room. You then sit on the couch, X still in your arms, still crying. "So..Four became a desert and he's not back yet?" You tried to make sense of it, but just couldn't.

X nodded, hugging your animal pillow tighter, but you don't mind. They need it at the moment. "Well..do you need anything?" You asked, wanting to try and comfort this smol bean.

A few tears streamed down their face as they nodded. You sighed softly, taking your hand and wiping their eyes. X just whimpered as you did it. "What do you need?" You questioned. X sniffled again, not answering. "Uhh...do you want to watch a movie?" You asked, even though knowing that they don't understand Netflix or Hulu..or whatever the hell you use...

X shook their head. "Uh..bed? Do you want to sleep? I mean, you already have a pillow.." The smol alien shook their head again.

At this point you're getting a little frustrated by them. "Ummm, ..juice?" X's irises immediately grew at just the word. They then nodded in a fast motion. "Okay-" You sat them down on the couch and got up, walking back to the kitchen. You then opened the fridge, seeing only one juice box left.

"You're lucky, little buddy, I only have one left," You told them, grabbing it and closing the fridge. It's not like you love juice boxes that much, that you drink all of it. But Four used to come over a lot just for the juice.

X mentally whines, knowing why there's one juice box left. "Here, bud," You smile, giving it to them. They then smile softly, taking the box out of your hand.

You then watch as they put the straw in and starts to drink the juice. X smile's as you pat their head softly. "Don't worry, buddy," You started, petting them. X looked up at you, still drinking out of the juice box. You could hear they're purring softly, like the tiny yellow cat-alien-thing they are.

"He'll be back..."

Object Shows x reader || ONESHOTS ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz