Chapter 8

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Klaus wasn't hesitant to tell the rest of the wolves who had killed to trigger his werewolf curse since he honestly didn't know much about him so it was fairly meaningless to him. Arianna didn't have that luck and she accepted Hayley as the alpha but until she told them about how she triggered her werewolf curse, she couldn't join the pack. Klaus gently took her hand into his and whispered softly to her.

"It's okay"

Arianna frowned at her father and looked around. The whole pack was there as well as her aunties and uncles. She had to tell all of them who she killed or she couldn't join the pack but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

The girl shook her head pulling away from Klaus and running off. She knew that she wasn't supposed to shift unless she was down in one of the transformation rooms but she just saw them as cages so she ignored that rule and shifted in the middle of the woods.

When she shifted, she felt so much better but if Alaric found out that she had been shifting without permission and in the woods, she would be in a lot of trouble and would probably be expelled so she knew she had to keep this a secret but when she shifted back, Kol was there with a change of clothes for her and Elijah stood by his side.

Elijah spoke up whilst Arianna got dressed, "Are you okay, Ari?"

Arianna simply sighed and looked up her two uncles, "I'm never going to be able to join the pack."

Kol smiled sadly and tilted his head slightly as he looked over at the little girl. He picked her up and sat down on a rock with Elijah letting Arianna sit between them.

"You don't want to tell them who you killed?"

The girl sighed and shook her head at Kol, "I'm scared. I've never told anyone."

Elijah spoke gently and kindly to the small girl, "Well, why don't you start by telling us?"

Arianna shook her head with fear clear in her eyes, "I can't"

Elijah nodded, "It's okay. You don't have to tell us anything but there is one thing you should know. Everyone in this family has killed someone, most of the time to protect ourselves and our family. There is nothing wrong with that. It shows you care."

Kol nodded in agreement, "And when you are ready to share, we will be there to listen"

Arianna smiled slightly at that and hugged her two uncles happily.

Elijah sighed slightly, "I hate to break this up but you do have class to get to, Ari."

The girl shook her head, "I don't care. I already wrote Alaric a letter about all of this."

Both men looked confused. They knew Arianna was going through a lot but she was on her last chance at the Salvatore school and if she wasn't there then no other school would understand her specific needs. Even If she went to another school for supernaturals, she was a tribrid and no one could be a better teacher than Alaric when it came to helping her get through school and still deal with her supernatural lifestyle.

Kol was the one who spoke up, "What letter? Ari, we know you aren't a big fan of school and you have so mu h going on that we really can't expect you to give school your full attention but you have something good here. A school of students like you who understand your supernatural abilities, teachers that help you learn and grow as a person, a place where you don't have to pretend to be something you're not. I saw you and Hope with the witches this morning. You were so happy and if you give it time you can have that with others too."

Arianna shook her head," Thanks for the speech but you're not going to change my mind."

The girl knew what she was doing and what she was giving up but she refused to back down now. She was one of two tribrids in the world and no one understood the complete potential of her powers, not even herself. What she did know was that she had tried giving school a chance and she had really want to make it work but no matter how hard she tried she just couldn't fit in.

Instead of being a witch, werewolf or vampire, she was all three and wvwn though that should be accepted, she didn't belong with any of the other students. She wasn't wolf enough to be in the pack. She wasn't vampire enough to get close to them since she hadn't even triggered her vampire side yet and she wasn't witch enough to be part of a coven. The girl didn't belong anywhere in the school and she didn't like it anyway so she wasn't going to cling on to a false hope that things were going to change.

Elijah looked at her, "Arianna, what did the letter say?"

"I'm dropping out of school"


"You are not dropping out of school!"

It was an hour later and Arianna found herself at home with her family getting a visit from Alaric and it was clear that the man didn't approve of her dropping out.

Arianna shook her head, "It's not up to you."

That was when Klaus walked into the room. Elijah had told the hybrid what his daughter was planning to do and Klaus wasn't too happy about it.

"It's not up to you either, Arianna. I won't let you throw your life away for nothing."

Arianna glared at Elijah when she realised that the original had told her father what she was planning on doing. She was angry that he had told Klaus and made this even harder for her.

Klaus shook his head, "Don't. Elijah had to tell me. We aren't going to let you for your life away. You need school and this is the best one for someone like you."

Arianna growled and her eyes flashed at her father, "I don't care!"

Kol frowned when he saw how upset the girl was getting about this. He walked over and picked the girl up so that he could hold her close and calm her down if he needed to.

Alaric frowned as he watched the family and then looked over at Arianna, "Is this about the pack? Because if it is, we aren't going to force you to join them. It's your choice and we can't make it for you. We just want to help you."

The man could feel he tension between them all and could see how angry Klaus was becoming and he didn't want Arianna to rush into a decision that would push her further away from the family she had only just found.

Arianna shook her head and just hid her face as she cuddled into Kol.

Klaus was getting angry and he raised his voice, "You are not leaving school!"

"Klaus!" Kol exclaimed at the same time as Elijah.

The hybrid just glared at his brothers but let Kol and Alaric walk outside with Arianna so that they could talk properly and calmly. She needed to feel calm and safe to talk and Klaus knew that but they couldn't let her make her own decision if it would be a bad one.

Once they got outside, Kol sat down on the grass with Arianna on his lap and Alaric sat next to them. They were facing the school and they could see children running around outside enjoying their free time since classes were over for the day.

Alaric was the first one to speak, "You know, Ari, when you first came here, you were just six years old and you had just lost your mother. You had no control over yourself. Now look at you. Maybe you mess up sometimes but compared to back then, it's nothing."

Arianna looked over at the headmaster and spoke, "You wanted me out anyway. You said I was on my last chance."

"I wouldn't have kicked you out. Not unless you were completely out of control. You are getting better and better each day."

Kol smiled softly down at the girl, "I never liked school either, I understand, but there are some things in life that just make you a better person. You can be yourself here, Ari. You don't have to hide who you are. A place like this is rare but it is good for you. I've seen how much you've changed since I first met you and it is amazing. We are all so proud of you."

"You are?"

Elijah walked over to them then, "We are"

Arianna looked up at her uncle when he came over and she smiled slightly. The girl didn't know what to do but she knew that she could try anything when she had her family by her side.

"Why don't you give school one more try?" Kol suggested to her.

Elijah nodded, "Just one and we will help you with anything you need to make it work. What do you say?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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