Chapter 6

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It had been almost a two weeks since Arianna first met her family and today was the first day she had to go back to school. She'd had the week Alaric had granted her and then gained a few extra days from 'illness'. She had faked being ill and she was pretty sure that Klaus, Kol and Elijah were all well aware of the lie but if they were then they hadn't mentioned it.

The girl woke up in her bedroom and pretended to still be asleep but she soon heard her father speaking.

"We know you are awake, Ari. Time to get ready for school."

Arianna just ignored her father and looked up at the ceiling. She hated school and had no intentions of going to any classes today. Klaus seemed to realise that she wasn't going to listen to him because a few minutes later, Kol and Elijah were at the door.

Kol didn't want to be there and it was obvious. He'd always hated school and authority so didn't want to force his niece to go to school but he was the person that Arianna listened to the most and that gave him a lot of power.

Elijah went over and pulled the covers off the young girl and spoke to her, "Come on. You have to go back to school now."

Arianna just shook her head and curled up on her bed without the covers. She didn't want to go to school and that was obvious. Even when she did go to school, all she did was get into trouble anyway so she didn't see the point in going.

 "What's the point? All I do is get in trouble anyway."

Elijah sighed softly, "There is always a point to education, Ari. Even if you don't see it straight away."

The girl just rolled her eyes at Elijah and then looked over at Kol with puppy dog eyes.

"Please let me stay here today."

Elijah gave Kol a look that silently told him not to give in. He knew that Kol didn't want to force her into going to school in the first place and they couldn't back down. They needed Arianna to go to school.

The younger Mikaelson sibling rolled his eyes at Elijah and then went over to Arianna's bed. He sat down beside her and lifted her up sitting her opposite him so she was facing him and away from Elijah.

"It would make me really happy if you went to school, Annie."

Arianna looked up at him with betrayal written all over her face and Kol sighed softly.

"I love having you around. We all do, but you need school. Everyone there is supernatural like you so you don't need to worry about that and you are a smart kid."

Elijah watched the two of them wondering if Kol would be able to convince her to go to school. If anyone could then it was Kol.

"Listen, Ari. I was just like you when I was younger and it took me hundreds of years to learn and become a good person. The kind of person that I could be proud of. And when I did that, I was so much happier, so much closer to my family. You may not see it yet but it's worth it and I want things to be better for you than they were for me. I want you to be better."

Arianna looked up at Kol when he told her all of this and she sighed slightly, "I'll only end up getting in trouble."

Elijah spoke up then, "That doesn't matter. As long as you go to school and you try, we will be proud of you."

Kol nodded in agreement and looked at the girl but she still refused to go to school and both Mikaelson brothers were aware now that this was something much more deep and personal than they had originally thought. Something was going on that Arianna wasn't telling them and that was why she didn't want to go to school. They just had to get to the bottom of it.

Before they had a chance to say anything else, Hope knocked on the door and walked inside.

"Is Ari ready for school?"

Arianna looked up at her sister and calmed a little, "You are taking me to school."

Hope nodded, "I am. Uncle Kol is going to walk with us to school and then Alaric has agreed to let me stay in your classes today to help you settle back in to school."

Arianna smiled at that and she was now much more open about the idea of going to school so all it took was a few comments from Kol before she caved in.

"Okay. Fine."

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