Chapter 3

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Elijah was very angry with Klaus and largely blamed his brother for Arianna running off. It was as if he didn't care about her and the man was ready to do something about it. Since Finn died, Elijah had become the oldest brother and was largely a male authority figure for his siblings. It was already in his nature but Finn's death just made it that much more prominent. He knew Klaus and Kol both hated it because he was on their backs more than normal but it had been keeping them a lot safer than normal.

"Niklaus!" Elijah called out for his brother loudly.

Klaus slowly and leisurely made his way down the stairs and spoke, "What is it, Elijah?"

"What is it?! You know exactly why I am calling you! What the hell have you done to your poor daughter?!"

"I don't have to listen to this"

Kol came in then, "I recommend you do because she isn't on school grounds and Freya's spell can't find her in Mystic Falls at all."

Klaus rolled his eyes at the evident concern in Kol's voice, "So?"

Growling, Kol pinned Klaus to the wall with his vampire eyes and teeth showing. He was extremely angry and unlike Elijah, he couldn't keep his anger towards Klaus in check.

"Kol," Elijah spoke calmly, "I understand your anger towards our brother but I need you to let him go."

The youngest Mikaelson brother growled lowly and refused to look at Elijah or let go of Klaus who was himself growling and showing his hybrid eyes by now.

"Kol," Elijah repeats his brother's name calmly and took a step towards the two.

Kol glanced over at Elijah still keeping Klaus pinned and choking and the older man nodded at him.

"I know you are angry, Kol, and I also know you are worried about Arianna but hurting Klaus won't help her. We'll find her and bring her home. I just need you to trust me."

Elijah smiled when Kol nodded and offered the younger vampire his jacket, "We can search for her together."

Kol hesitated and looked back at Klaus again, glaring at him, before letting go of his older brother and taking his jacket from Elijah to slip it on.

Once he was done, Kol looked up at Elijah and the two of them headed out. Elijah knew they were not done talking about this but for now he had Kol calm enough to not attack Klaus at the first opportunity and they had a missing niece to find. That was more important than Klaus and his hissy fit.

The two brothers searched for hours through every inch of land in Mystic Falls but still Arianna was nowhere to be found. They were walking back through the forest to see if she had headed home when they heard footsteps coming towards them and Klaus met them suddenly becoming silent as if he was a child who had been caught stealing candy.

"Nik?" Kol was first to speak.

"Regardless of what the two of you think of me, Arianna is still my daughter and if she has ran off and can't be found in this much time..."he sighed before admitting the truth, "I'm worried about her."

This made the other two Mikaelsons smile and they let him come with them as they continue the search for the small girl.

"You really should have learnt by now, Niklaus. Arianna is scared and upset because of your refusal to show emotion. She thinks you don't care about her at a-"

Klaus cut him off, "Of course I care about her."

"She doesn't know that, Nik. You barely ever see her and you have some real sweet moments with her but then you just get up and leave, ruining the whole thing and making it meaningless. She feels unloved and she won't open up to us unless we open up to her."

Elijah nodded at that, "Kol is right"

Klaus went to speak but then he heard the sound of a running wolf. The wolf was small but fast and was clearly running away from something. Arianna. He grabbed hold of his brothers and used his speed to move them to cut off the girl's path.

The young hybrid shifted back to human and looked up at her father and uncles. It was clear that she was very upset and had been crying so as soon as Kol opened his arms, she went running into them and cuddled into his chest.

Kol just held her close and Klaus and Elijah shared a look as the older of the two motioned for Klaus to step in. The hybrid seemed hesitant but he went over to the girl and spoke softly.


Arianna looked up at her father, her face no longer and Kol's chest. The man moved towards her slowly so she could stop him if she was uncomfortable and he gently picked her up, holding her close to him and kissing her head. The small girl seemed to beam as Klaus picked her up and kissed her and she eagerly cuddled into him which made all three men smile happily.

"How about we get you home, Princess?"

The girl looked up at Klaus when he said that and she shook her head, looking away from him.

Klaus gently moved her chin so she was looking up at him, "Hey, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Neither will Uncle Kol or Uncle Elijah. We all just want you to be safe and happy."

She looked from her father to Kol and Elijah who were stood watching the two of them interact and they nod at her reassuringly. No harm was going to come to her as long as they could stop it. No matter the cost.


Klaus smiled at his daughter and carried her back to the house so that they could introduce her to Hayley, Freya and Hope. When they got there, he put Arianna down and told her to stay with Kol and Elijah while he went to get the others.

Arianna looked up at Elijah and Kol still not very comfortable with her oldest uncle. She was tense and clearly not used to being around people in a family-like setting. It felt strange to her because she had never really experienced any real family other than her mum and since she had died, she had pushed everyone away.

Elijah spoke to her calmly and gently, "Come on. It's okay. Want anything to eat?"

While they had been out searching for Arianna, Elijah had gotten Freya to head out and get some food and drinks in the house for them all including some treats, especially for Hope and Arianna. He knew that Arianna and Hope hadn't triggered their vampire sides so they still had to eat like any other werewolf or witch so he made sure to get Freya to buy enough food to last them a while. He offered Arianna a chocolate bar and got her to sit with them on the couch.

Klaus came in then with Hope at her side and she looked up at the two of them confused. She had never wanted a sister, especially not an older one and she didn't know about hope. Her father looked over at her and took a deep breath.

"Ari, this is your big sister, Hope."

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