Chapter 4

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Arianna stared at Klaus as if he had grown another head. She didn't want a sister and to have kept this from her for so many years made her angry. Kol could see the anger growing in his niece's eyes and he went over to sit beside her and keep her calm.

Hope looked up at her father, "I have a little sister?"

Klaus nodded, "Hope, this is Arianna. Your half-sister."

It was obvious that Arianna was not happy with the idea of having a sister so Hope made no move towards her although she was incredibly excited by the idea.

Klaus had an idea and looked over at Hope, "Why don't you go sit with your Uncle Kol?"

At that suggestion, Kol smiled and moved along slightly on the couch to give Hope some room on his other side for her to sit down. He understood his brothers reasoning and new all he had to do was be ready to grab either girl if something happened. As Hope sat on Kol's other side, Arianna glared at her and the lights started to flicker as an uncontrollable result of her anger.

"Hey," Klaus said softly as he sat next to Arianna so she was between him and Kol, "It's okay. No one here wants to hurt you, Ari. We want you in our lives."

Arianna looked up at Klaus when he said that and the lights went back to normal again as the girl got her powers under control. This made the hybrid smile at his daughter and he kissed her cheek gently.

Elijah smiled at the sight. With a little encouragement, Klaus was beginning to truly show Arianna how he felt about her. It gave him hope for them to be a family. All they needed now was to get Arianna to open up to Hope being her sister but that might be harder than any of the previous hurdles they had overcome.

Hope smiled and used her powers to make a flower crown for her little sister but Arianna refused to let Hope get close enough to put it on her head so Kol took it and placed it on the young girl's head instead. Arianna looked up at Kol when he did it and shuffled back so she was closer to her father.

It was obvious that Arianna didn't like Hope at all but that was largely because she had only just met her. Klaus picked up his youngest daughter and sat her on his lap whilst Hope moved to be in the middle of her father and youngest uncle.

Arianna tensed up and turned so that she was facing away from Hope.

"What's wrong, Ari?" Kol spoke softly.

"I don't want a sister"

All three men frowned slightly at the young girl's answer and Klaus spoke gently to her.

"Listen to me, Rhea. You having a sister doesn't change anything. We still love you just as much and now you have Hope as well. It's not a bad thing."

Arianna shook her head and ran over to Elijah who gently picked her up and spoke softly.

"Calm down, princess. You're okay."

Hope slowly got up and went towards Arianna in Elijah's arms. She had a soft smile on her face as she looked up at the younger tribrid.

"You like snow?"

Arianna nodded her head at her older sister but still held on to Elijah tightly. Hope just smiled and got the rest of her family to follow her to an empty room before using magic to make it snow.

The young Mikaelson looked around in awe. She couldn't do anything like that with her magic and she was amazed by the new beauty of the room. Hope held her hand out to her younger sister and Elijah put the girl down. She hesitantly took Hope's hand but before long the two tribrids were running around and playing in the snow happily.

Arianna and Hope gathered a secret stash of snowballs in the corner of the room as Elijah, Klaus and Kol watched over to two playing children whilst chatting and Freya, Rebekah and Hayley went out to make some hot chocolate in the kitchen. When they had enough, they started a snowball fight with their father and uncles.

They all laughed happily as they attacked each other with snow balls. Hope and Arianna hid behind a snow wall to make it harder for the adults to hit them but while Hope was gathering more snowballs, Klaus picked up Arianna and spun her around in the air before placing her back down and tickling her until the two girls agreed to stop the snowball fight.

Arianna giggled and kissed her father's cheek before running over to Kol and Elijah still laughing her head off.

Kol smiled at her, "You okay there, little witch? You look like your going to die from laughter."

Elijah hummed as he continued to joke around with the young girl, "You're right, Kol. We'd better call a doctor."

The girl just laughed and shook her head at them, "I'm fine, Uncle Elijah. Dad just made me laugh."

Both Kol and Elijah smiled at that. Arianna had called Klaus dad and Elijah her uncle. They had only met her at the beginning of the day but they were already becoming her family and that made them all happy.

Rebekah and Hayley walked in each carrying a tray of hot chocolates and biscuits.

"Did anyone order hot chocolate?" Rebekah asked playfully as they set the tray down and Freya walked in behind them carrying some squirty cream and marshmallows. 

The family all grabbed a chair and sat in a circle enjoying the treats as they laughed and joked together. It was getting late though and Arianna and Hope had school in the morning so after the hot chocolate, Klaus spoke up.

"Come on, Ari. We should get you to bed."

Arianna frowned at that but before she could argue, Elijah spoke up.

"You have school in the morning. You need some rest"

"But I don't go to my classes anyway."

Kol smiled at the girl and looked over at her brothers, "I'll take her to bed. Come on, monkey."

Arianna still wasn't happy about it but she listened to Kol a lot more than the others so she hugged Hope and kissed Klaus on the cheek before going over and taking Kol's hand.

Kol smiled and walked her to her bedroom. He gave her some privacy while she changed and brushed her teeth before he went in and laid on her bed putting an arm out for her to climb up next to him and cuddle in which Arianna did happily.

"You know you have to go to school tomorrow, right?"

The small girl sighed and nodded, "I know."

Kol kissed her head, "Good girl. Now come on, try and get some sleep."

Arianna nodded slightly as she cuddled into his chest whilst he gently rubbed her back and before she even had a chance to fight it, she was asleep against her uncle's chest.

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