Chapter 7

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Kol walked slightly behind the two girls as they went up to the main school grounds. Word had been getting around about the original family living on the school grounds and people were very curious about it which meant they got a lot of stares as they walked up to the building. 

Arianna moved away from Hope and back towards Kol when her older sister went inside. She was scared and didn't want to go in as she stayed behind Kol. The Original simply picked up his niece and spoke softly to her.

"Do you trust me, Ari?"

The girl nodded and Kol walked into the school with her as he continued to speak.

"You don't have to be scared. Ric has given you another chance and anyone who might try and hurt you has to answer to him but more importantly, you have your family here for you now. We aren't going to let you get hurt but you need to go to school."

Hope led the way to Alaric's office and the man stepped outside when he saw Hope at the door. He looked over at Arianna in Kol's arms and smiled softly.

"Are you ready for class?"

Most of the students were already in class by now and the last few were on their way.

Arianna shook her head and looked up at Kol, "I want to go back home with you and dad"

Kol sighed softly, "How about we call dad and we can talk to him before you have to go to class?"

Arianna nodded slightly, "Okay"

Kol rang Klaus and Arianna calmed instantly when she heard her father's voice.

"What's up, Kol? Did the girls get to class okay?"

Kol sighed and spoke, "Ari is a bit scared to go into class."

With that, Klaus hung up and Kol was confused for a moment before he saw Klaus walk into the building.

Arianna got down from Kol's arms running over to her father and holding his hand. She knew Klaus wouldn't let anything bad happen to her and she was happy to be stood at his side.

"Want me and Kol to walk you to class?"

The girl nodded shyly and Alaric led them all to the classroom. The first class of the day was full of witches and they were learning some basic spells. Klaus sighed when he realised that, knowing that was why she hadn't wanted to go to class because she didn't trust other witches.

"Listen to me, Pup. These witches are good like aunty Freya. They aren't going to hurt you."

Arianna nodded slightly at her dad, "Okay. I believe you"

Klaus smiled softly and kissed her cheek and Kol gave her a big hug before Alaric led Arianna and Hope into the classroom.

The hybrid looked over at his little brother knowing that he was curious as to how he got there so quickly.

"I was ready to leave just in case."

Kol smiled softly, "You really love Arianna don't you? It's nice to see the two of you together."

Klaus shrugged slightly, "She's my daughter just as much as Hope and I learned to love her so I can love Ari too."

Alaric came back out with a smile on his face and he motioned for the two men to look through the window. Hope was sat beside Arianna and the other witches were all gathered around the table whilst Arianna showed them a spell that created different animals out of light. Both Mikaelson men smiled when they saw how happy the girl was and Alaric spoke.

"She's still going to need a lot of help. Control, mainly. She can't control the shift or her anger but once she finds an outlet and learns how to deal with everything, she will fit in here just like everyone else. The witches already love her but there is one major thing that needs to be addressed."

Kol nodded, "What's that?"

"She has triggered her werewolf curse. Every other wolf in the school is in one pack but she refuses to accept Jed as her alpha. Refuses to join the pack. I think that having a pack would help her settle in here."

Klaus sighed, "We can't force her to join a pack."

Kol looked over at his brother, "Maybe not but if we are going to be living here now then why don't you and Hayley join the pack. You are both half wolf and if Arianna sees you accepting a pack then maybe she will become more open to the idea."

Alaric nodded, "It's a good idea and one that I'm sure Jed would be open to. If you wanted to try it that is."

Klaus sighed, "I will talk to Hayley and we will think about it but if we were in a pack then we would want one of us to be the alpha and that might cause trouble."

The teacher shook his head, "That would be perfect. If you or Hayley were the alpha then you would be able to help the kids with control. When they lose control you can help them calm down without having to miss class like any of the others would."

"I will talk to Hayley. If either of us were going to be a good alpha for these kids then it would be her"

Alaric nodded and let the two leave. As they walked back home, Kol spoke up.

"Are you really going to join the pack?"

"Of course not"

Kol frowned at that but decided not to fight with his brother right now. 

During lunch, Hayley went up to the school. She challenged Jed for the position of alpha and she won of course, but Klaus just watched from the sides and refused to join the pack.

Elijah went over to him, "It's okay to be scared Niklaus"

"I'm not scared Elijah"

The response was too quick, too forced for it to be true.

"You have never been in a wolf pack before and you aren't even a little scared at the idea of being in a pack of wolves. The only pack you've had was your hybrid pack but these are kids. They will look up to you and I think you are scared of letting them down and Arianna seeing the worst parts of you."

Klaus just looked up at Elijah with no comment.

Elijah nodded, "Go to your daughter and both of you can go together. Just accept Hayley as the alpha and tell them all who you killed to trigger the curse. Things will feel so much better and you will both have a pack there to support you."

So that is what they did.

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