My love

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I wander around the darkness. I find Silco's chair. His face is relaxed and calm, untroubled by the burdens of conciseness. I crouch in front of his chair and listen to his breaths.

My fingers trace the scars on his face. Even in sleep he looks powerful. The scars across his cheek are rough and uneven. I trace the smooth skin on his unscarred cheek and compare the two.

A tear slides down my cheek and my vision is obscured my purple. I wipe the liquid away and realize my tears are purple now. I take a sharp peice of wood and cut a small stripe on the palm of my hand. The blood runs purple and pools in my palm. It reminds me of my hair when I was young.

I hear a rustle behind me. I glance back to see VI's shadow moving in the darkness. She struggles against her binds. She is tied to a chair. I watch her struggle for a moment before speaking.

I stand and walk around the table.

"I really thought I buried this place." I scoff. "But I should have known better."


"Nothing ever stays dead."

"Are we alone?" Vi sounds frantic.

"For now." My throat contracts. "Maybe forever."

I circle her in the shadows.

"Wanna know a secret? Silco thinks he made me. With all his lessons and stories. 'Exercise your doubts, Emris' 'be what they fear Emris' like everything was the same when Vander left him. But he didn't make Emris. You did."

"I'm sorry, Emris. I never meant to leave you."

"You never left. I always heard you... and Mylo and Claggor and Powder and Ekko and Vander. None of you left, if anything you were around more."

I press myself against a wall.

"Shadows in the streets, prickles on the back of my neck. Your voice and theirs picking me apart, criticizing every move I made. Pushing me farther and faster and harder. You all are the reason I'm still alive. All I wanted was to prove them wrong, prove I could survive and was more than a screwup."

"I spent so many nights on that shitty prison, on that freezing floor, hungry, bloody, counting the hours. The only thing.. the only thing that kept me going was getting back to you and keeping powder safe."


I flick the lighter open in front of her face. A small flame emerges between the two of us.

"I always knew you would come back."

I spin her chair around.

"What's going on?"

I flick my hand and send the lighter flying across the table. The room lights up as the candles catch fire. A large dining table has been set. On either end are Vi and Silco. Silco remains unconscious, his breaths vibrating my bones. He wakes and murmurs into his gag.

"He took everything from us. Right here he stabbed Vander in the back. Just like he planned to do with me. All the times saying you abandoned me when he knew the truth."

He murmurs into his gag.

"Liar." I look at the chair in front of me. "Hmm. We're missing a few guests."

I walk behind Vi and drag powder's chair beside Vi.

"Powder!" Vi screams.


Powder opens her eyes and looks around the room frantically. Her face looks terrified. Tears stain down her cheeks and she sniffs. She sobs as she finds my eyes. I stare at her. Her face flickers between her face now and her face when she was small.

Arcane || silco X Fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now