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The orange glow sends heat my way. I smile as I see a group of enforcers not too far away. I hum as I pour a little oil on the fire. The flames lick the building like hungry dogs. The heat singes my skin as I back away.

"Fire!" I hear one of the enforcers yells.

"What's happening?" Another enforcer asks.

"Get the fire brigade." The first enforcer yells.

I click a button on my wrist. I speak into the button.

"Help. In here, please. Help me." I say.

The bombs repeat my words in a nighter tone, like a child's voice. Enforcers don't hesitate to rush into the flames. They attempt to calm the flames with a fire retardant spray.

"Help. It's so hot, please. I'm trapped." I smile. "I'm a helpless little girl and I've set the building on fire." The bombs begin to slowly demask my voice. "By accident. Totally by accident."

"Get out, now!" An enforcer yells.

"Also, I brought this dynamite. Goodbye."

My feet stumble backwards as the building blows. The smoke fills my lungs, I sling my pack over my shoulders. The warmth blooms over the building and the street glows orange. My cheek tugs upward as I grin.

"Now for the real fun part," I say to my shadows that follow my every move.

I rush to the education building. It doesn't take me long to find the right room. It takes mere moments to pick the lock.

"Pfft. I don't know how you had such a hard time with this, Mylo."

I find a gemstone. Blue sparks fly across my vision as I remember the explosions.

"We can help them." Powder's voice rattles in my head.

"But we didn't," I admit.

My chest tugs painfully before I remember myself.

"You're on a job. Start acting like it." Vi says.

I shake them from my head. I stuff the gemstone in my pocket and shuffle through the rest of the room. Papers with depictions of the stone get shoved in my pack.

I take a marker from my pant leg. I bite the lid and yank it free. The marker has a mind of its own as it creates designs on the walls of the study. I take more markers and do the same. I draw my signature shadow figure of myself on the window. I admire my work for a moment before I hear a commotion.

I slip from the room and wind through the halls just as enforcers enter the room. I dance through the halls, spinning and leaping. I make sure to check hallways before entering and exiting. I find an empty room and find a balcony.

I spring from the balcony and fly through the air. My raven black hair trails behind me for miles it seems. The locks brush my ankles as I land. I blow a strand from my face before sprinting over the rooftops of the topside.

The wind rushes past my face. I look to my right and see a black smoke plume with glowing white eyes. Spiky hair sticks up at all angles. Mylo. Behind him is a larger plume with goggles. Claggor. To my right is a smoke version of Vi and Powder, running side by side. My breath hitches in my throat. My legs carry me faster and faster past them. They keep up with me easily.

It isn't long before the undersidy entrance comes into view. I run into the elevator and slam the doors shut, trapping the shadows behind me. I draw a black hood over my head and bring my hair over my shoulder. I lean against the wall. The shadows seep through the cracks of the elevator. They stand beside me.

Arcane || silco X Fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now