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Why did you have to break today? I can't stand the silence. I need sound to fall asleep. I can't handle the noises that hat go bump in the night. I'm going to go insane please save me. I'm alone

With my thoughts and all I can depict is images of a demon watching me as I sleep I can't handle the silence I feel like someone is watching me, I think I'm going to snap. I'm shaking and

Crying there is no one to help me I'm drowning in silence, don't let me break down here. I see something fly by the corner of my eye, the fear starts to set in. Eyes everywhere and random things

Flying across my room. SAVE ME! I BEG YOU TO SAVE ME! I begin to panic being driven into a mad state, I call for help and no one answers. I scream at the top of my lungs as demons swarm around me. I run for the

Kitchen to get the spare machine. I will not go down like this. My radio. My radio. My radio. My radio. My radio. My radio. No silence. No silence. The demons will come after me if there's silence. When they hear

Silence their eyes dart around my room and they fly around me tormenting me, torturing me by putting their faces in my mind. I reach for the spare machine and turn it on. Suddenly the music turn on.

The demons quickly back into hiding. For I get to live another day. My brain starts to calm down and they eyes around my room disappear. They demons leave me alone.
No silence. No silence no silence. No silence.

A radio a night, keeps the demons at bay.
Always remember that. For the demons tap I to your mind when silence beings to creep in. They will play with your little brain. They will torture you until you snap.

The Dark Ages Volume 1 [ Formerly "A Sideways Plummet"]Where stories live. Discover now