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I don't know what is happening to me.
I am falling down an endless hole. No
One is here to save me. I see a branch while falling and I hang on to it. I can only hold on to it for so long. Then my

Grip loosens and I fall. Deeper and deeper. No sense of time or reality.
I fall and I fall there is no one to help
Me I'm stuck falling down an endless pit. At least that's what I think. But then

I realize. It's a loop. A cycle. A never-ending cycle. Back and forth and back and forth. I see some help but the help only lasts for so long. I keep falling and falling until I see a rope. I climb up

Only to find out that I have been deceived. I fall back down and every time I fall it get darker and darker. There's a very small amount of light but not enough. I fall and fall. The light

Sometimes gets bigger then it gets smaller. Here I m still falling. Falling like I've never stopped once. Help me.
Please don't let me keep falling. Get me a real rope that I climb and see the light

The Dark Ages Volume 1 [ Formerly "A Sideways Plummet"]Where stories live. Discover now