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Alone here I stand. I don't have real friends. I hang out with the wrong crowd. No one cares about me. There's one person who does but we rarely see each other. My heart is cold and empty.

Occasionally it thaws but when it does it's only temporary. No one is there to comfort be or reassure me. I just simmer in my anxiety anywhere at anytime. I suffer in pain any day.

Everyone manages to thaw my heart never stays. My fake friends mock me as they give each other gifts and forget about me. They rub it in my face and act like everything is okay. I cry ever

Night for I am lonely. Who would ever love someone as ugly as me? Everyone's taken or unable. I suffer in pain. For all I have is hate for myself. Not love. Not one bit for myself. Not

Even respect. My self esteem is out the window and in the trash. No one can tell me anything to hurt me. I'm immune. I know I'm ugly. I know I'm fat. And I know that no one cares about

Me. I put on a mask that is not me while I hangout with the wrong crowd. I follow the wrong one. I know it's wrong but at least I have some company. Right?

But really I don't. And at the end of the day I know that. Sharing my stress and problems is not an option. Instead I suffer. It's not fair that I have to suffer alone. But I am alone. I turn hope away

First because I know hope will turn me away first.

The Dark Ages Volume 1 [ Formerly "A Sideways Plummet"]Where stories live. Discover now