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My eyes puff and tear and my nose starts to run. It's like if I'm crying. Maybe deep down inside I am. Maybe I long for something, or rather someone.
My eyes puff and tear and my nose

Runs. Funny. On the outside I think I'm content. But my body speaks for me. Maybe I know deep down inside I'm not content, but I long to be content. I want someone who can keep me

Content. We could laugh. Walk home together. Fall in love together. But it's never gonna happen. Maybe I'll stay lonely. Maybe there's someone out there too who longs for some one to

Keep their heart content. Maybe we're lost souls looking for each other. Who knows. My allergies start again. My body knows what I feel deep down inside. I feel so lonely. I yearn for

Someone like me to find me. So we could do the things we wanted to together. Maybe even fall in love together. My eyes puff and my nose runs. Deep down inside I'm crying

somewhere. I want to relive my allergies but in a way I don't. It shows what I truly feel. I can't tell anyone else how I feel. So my allergies cry for me. I hope that one day I can find someone

who makes my heart content. We can go from friends to lovers. We would go anywhere in life as long as I knew that I had you. But I don't. I don't even know who you would be. For we are

Probably two lost souls looking for the same thing. Maybe even each other. At the end of the day we are probably both lonely-lost souls trying to find each other. For now my allergies will cry for


The Dark Ages Volume 1 [ Formerly "A Sideways Plummet"]Where stories live. Discover now