Chapter 26

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Lila's pov:

     "It all started on the day.............. you sent me to boarding school, which was a fake school, it was a school to teach you how to become an assassin and how to learn the ways to run a mafia and gang. When you sent me off, I felt pain, I never felt when you guys gave me beatings, it pained me knowing my own blood just sent me off like it was the easiest thing in the world you wanted to do all along. Everyday someone died, one by one, friends, best friends, then family. Kids were ripped apart from the people they loved, just like their heart were pulled out and torn apart by piece by piece, until they ended up empty, only knowing the 8 simple rules, 1. Don't talk when spoken to, 2. Don't trust, 3. Fight to live, 4. Don't show mercy or your dead, 5. Always expect it, 6. Never forgive nor forget, 7. Traitors are always traitors, 8. Never leave your rooms unless your allowed. We was tested each day until we had shown potential of our worth living, if you keep on failing then you die in their heartless, cold hands. One day, I was sent on a mission with my friends, when the mission was done and since it was a success, we were allowed 2 hours out of the premises. We had went to an underground fight where we met the Italian Mafia Don. After that we became close, then we considered him our father and his wife our mother, as they considered us as their kids. Whenever. my friends and I had a success in our missions we would meet with them. Up until the day I was informed that I was next in line to run the Italian Mafia while being the top street racer and street fighter and the youngest billionaire. 3 years ago, we decided to escape the school and head on with our lives. When we escaped we went in foster care to keep our identities secret from the police and the enemies. After some months out of the boarding school, I went to the store to get some things late at night until I saw a little girl in the alley way beaten up, I rushed out of my car and went to the child and questioned the child, her mom was abusing her so she left her home. After that I took her home and brought her up as my own child. Until 2 years ago, we went on a mission and she was kidnapped by the enemies and we still haven't found her till to this day. For those years after some targets was on Lola and everytime they tried to harm her or kill her I killed them and protected her, without letting anybody know...............

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