Chapter 15

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Lila pov:

" I am your grandfather Romano"

As soon as he said that my friends and I eyes glistered in mischief and smirked. Everybody looked at us weirdly. The silence in the room was broken by Summer. 

Summer squealed jumping up and down in the air, " Ohhh your the old man they told us not to bother but do you really expect us to follow those stupid boring rules" Summer said, " Soooo your the oldie I always wanted to meet you" Lia said in a teasing tone, "Girls! watch who your talking to, don't you have any manners" The sexist aunt said, I am now feeling to call her, her name so why not cherry because I hate them and she looks like a cherry whenever she is angry which is right now, I heard laughter and saw my friends laughing, I raised a eyebrow and Caily replied with " You said that out loud so Cherry heard", " You kids have no respect for your elders maybe your father should just send you back to boarding where you belong!" Cherry said, as soon as she said boarding school my friends and I face hardened stone cold no emotion not even in our eyes, just hearing about there remind us about the horrors we lived and believed,  "What the fuck did you just say" Mikey said in a cold tone, " I said Danvillio should send you brats back there", " Brats" Caily said, " BRATS FUCKING BRATS" Caily said her voice raising every word, " YOU HAVE NO GOD DAMN RIGHT TO BRING UP THAT PLACE UP YOU BITCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT ANYTHING YOU LIVED OFF A GOLD FUCKING SPOON WHILE WE EARNED EVERYTHING WE HAVE AND YOUR CALLING US BRATS" Caily said laughing emotionless at the end, " The only brat here is you, Lola and the dear step mother" " You all don't know the value of nothing while we knew everything the value off, you had a family A FUCKING FAMILY WHO WAS THERE FOR YOU WHILE WE HAD NONE , YOU GOT ANYTHING YOU WANTED WHILE WE WORKED FOR OURS, YOU WASN'T DEPRIVED AND BELIEVED YOU WAS WORTHLESS AND STUPID AND MEANT NOTHING TO YOUR GOD DAMN FAMILY, YOU MEANT EVREYTHING BUT US WE DIDN'T MEAN NOTHING THE ONLY THING WE WAS KNOW AS USELESS STUPID BRATS WHO IS A FUCKING SLUT AND YOUR SAYING WE NEED MANNERS WERE JUST THREATING YOU THE SAME WAY YOU THREAT US, SO THREAT US LIKE SHIT WE WILL MAKE IT 10 TIMES WORSE BUT GUESS WHAT A FAMILY WE HAVE OUR OWN WE HAVE OUR PAPA AND MOM WHO WAS THERE FOR US EVEN THOUGH NOT THE SAME BLOOD WE MEANT EVERYTHING TO THEM" Caily said full of anger reading to kill her, everyone looked at us shocked and guilty, " I-I", " You what uh you what" Lia said, " Whatever you was going to say save it we don't care" Sara said, then we walked away not before giving a nasty look to Cherry and saying " We will come back down soon" then walked off.

" I can't believe she went that far" Caleb said, " Lets not take it on because it will only remind us of the past and we don't want to bring it back up ever again" Summer said flopping down on my bed which we just nodded in return.

 Third person pov:

The family stood there shocked of what just had happened and pride that they stood of for themselves but the father and brothers knew they had to make it up to her and the father was hurt knowing someone else is his daughter father and not him and his daughter even call him papa he knew he messed up so bad same with the brothers.

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