Chapter 2

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                                               Third person pov:


Danvillio phone rang at the dinner table making all the chattering stop and attention focused on him. Danvillio was pissed someone was disturbing him during dinner.

He picked it up "What" he said 

"Hello there is this Lila's father, Danvillio Rocco" The other person on the phone said

Danvillio placed the phone on the table and put the phone on speaker so everybody at the table can hear

" Yes, this is him, who are you? and why are you calling me?" he asked

" I am Lila principal  Miss. John and we have just found out Lila escape from the school with their " brothers and sisters" as they say they are and they are being chased by the police and they have fought of some of the officers to escape and we believe they have been planning this for a while because they had motorcycles ready to escape and found a way to know all of the guards shift and when they had the lowest amount of guards on what day" Miss.John said

They were shocked that Lila escaped and she has brothers and sisters and she has motorcycles and beating police chase

" And we have just found some letters they left saying  for biological  and bold letters saying "NOT FAMILY AND NEVER WAS" .

The family was shocked what Lila said " NOT FAMILY AND NEVER WAS" on the letter

" We will send the letters to your home which will arrive in a few hours so u could read them and the police say they are on Mount. Saint Hill chasing them." Miss. John said

"Um Mr. Rocco are you there?"

"Uh-um yes I a here"

" Okay and we are sorry that she escaped" Miss.Jones

" Bye Mr. Rocco and we hope we find her" said then hung up

The brothers was hurt knowing she said that are other boys that are not her brothers and Lola was happy that she got what deserved for her knowing that she is not family and never will be.

Danvillio was angry, sad and hurt, she escaped and said biological  and not family

He suddenly started thinking his enemies could kidnap her and torture her and kill her

He started to regret everything, that he broke his own youngest child who is his daughter.

Suddenly, Antonio asked Jackson if he could hack the street cameras on Mt. Saint Hill Jackson nodded his head, Jackson went to get his laptop and started setting it up to the tv while Danvillio called his best workers in his mafia to find is principessa. Lola was upset they were giving so much attention to find her and no attention was on her. Soon, Jackson said he got it everybody watched the tv then they saw 13 motorcycles the middle one was a red one while the others was black.

  Her brothers and sisters 

  Her brothers and sisters 

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