Chapter 1

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                                                             Third Person Pov:

  On Sunday 14th October, 2004

At 1:38 am

"JUST ONE MORE PUSH"  The Doctor shouted

" Come on sweetie you could do it"  Danvillio said to Maria


Little Lola came out

The nurse grabbed her and wrapped her in a towel

"Congratulations It's a baby girl" The nurse said as she handed the girl to Danvillio

Danvillio and Maria looked at each other shocked with wide eyes

They have always wanted a baby girl and they got it

Danvillio looked at the baby in awe as she opened her eyes he saw brown eyes not just regular brown eyes his brown eyes.

"I promise I will protect you my whole life princesa" Danvillio said 

"Give her to me now i want to hold my baby" Maria said

Danvillio chuckled and hand her over to Maria

" Oh my precious baby" Maria said as she looked at the baby

"What will we name her? Love" Danvillio asked his wife

" Lola, Lola Annika Rocco" Maria said looking at her husband

" I love it" Danvillio said looking at Maria 

She smiled and the heart rate started getting higher and higher, she struggled to breathe 

Danvillio smiled disappear 

The Doctor and Nurse rushed to her and started checking her 

What they said made his world stop " She has a next child in her, we have to do C - section! NOW! OR THE CHILD WILL NOT SURVIVE!"

Danvillio looked at his wife in tears

Maria managed to say " I will do it" 



Danvillio was scared he might lose his wife his love of his life

" WHAT IF U DONT SURVIVE !I CANT LOSE MY WIFE !MY LOVE! I can-n-n-t" Danvillio said as his voices cracked at the end on the verge of tears

 " I dont care, its a child, I cant kill it, its innocent" Maria said on the verge of tears

" I am scared to lose you too but there is a time in life you have to let a person go"

" And right now you have to have faith but if I don't make it know that I will always love you and our kids" Maria said to Danvillio with tears in her eyes and her hand clasped around his

" Okay, but I want you to always know that I love you FOREVER AND EVER, and nobody would ever replace you in my life, you hold the most precious spot in my life and it will always BE YOURS FOREVER" Danvillio said with his hand clasped over Maria hands

"But for now I will have faith" Danvillio said

"That why I fell in love with you" Maria said as a tear rolled down her cheek

Danvillio  smiled at her and wiped her tear on her cheek 

"Sorry, to disturb the moment but we will have to began surgery straight away" The Doctor said

"Te amo" Danvillio sai   (Te amo) -> I love you

"Yo también te quiero " Maria said with a small smile (yo también te quiero) -> I love you too

After a hour of surgery Maria was pronounced dead 

But the birth of the baby was a baby girl

 Everyone decided to name her " Lila Anise Rocco" 

People didnt want to blame her for Maria death

But Danvillio wife words replayed in his head over and over like a record player 

His mind was trying to take control but his heart said its not Lila fault but his mind kept on saying Its her fault, her fault you lost your wife.

Those words replayed over and over for weeks to months till his mind took control and he hated Lila with all of his heart, he turned his sons  and first daughter against there youngest sister 

                                                        Lila Anise Rocco

Years past and Lila was beaten, called names no child should be called and used as a slave. Until, one day her dad remarried when she turned 5 and after a few months of her step sister and step mom there they cause more drama and Lila was blamed for everything. Soon her step mother realized all the attention was on her she did the only thig she could think of tell Danvillio to send her to boarding school which Danvillio gladly said yes. The day Lila was sent, the light of happiness in her eyes disappeared  she was broken and a monster in people eyes until one day she met her real family the ones who stuck through thin and thick with her and each other.

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