Chapter 56

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A few months later...

Eleanor and Sebastian were pretty much living together. They divided their time between spending a few weeks at his place or at hers, and life was going smoothly for the both of them.

Eleanor's team at Montgomery Consulting was doing great. She still had a long way to go, a lot to learn to reach her goal. But she was acquiring a lot of knowledge and experience from working with her parents and new colleagues. And she had found a work-life balance that suited her. She was happier than ever before and satisfied with every single aspect of her life.

As for Sebastian, he felt a lot more comfortable in the skin of Crain Enterprises' CEO. He only missed not having Eleanor working at a desk right at the end of the corridor outside of his office, but to make up for that they were now spending every second they could together outside of work and thanks the merger with Montgomery they sometimes crossed paths at meetings.

The weekend had finally arrived, but before they could have time for themselves, Sebastian needed to finish up some work emails in his home office, and Eleanor was keeping him company as she read a book on a couch that was right beside his desk. Right where he could see her.

His apartment no longer felt empty and cold with her around, and he enjoyed spending more time at home than ever before. He still worked long hours, but now he worked more often from his home office, with her by his side.

'Come here,' he asked, reaching his hand towards her.

'Are you done with work?' she asked as she closed her book.

He nodded. 'I have something I want to show you.'

'What?' She got up and walked closer to him.

'Look,' — he pointed to the screen in front of him — 'Lina sent me the rest of the wedding pictures,' Sebastian said as he grabbed Eleanor's waist and hauled her towards him.

She sat on his lap with her arms around his neck as they went through the pictures on his laptop.

'I guess that I was a good dancing teacher after all,' he said as they looked at a photo of them dancing.

Eleanor looked stunning in her red dress, and the expression that Sebastian had in that photo showed a lot more than he thought it did at the time it was taken. His gaze was on her and nothing else.

'Those lessons definitively paid off.'

'Oh, so you do finally admit it?'

'If it makes you happy,' she said with a smirk.

'I'm glad that my feet didn't suffer in vain.' He chuckled.

'You're such an idiot.' She punched his arm.

'Ouch. That hurt.'

She gave him a soft kiss. 'Do you feel better?'

He shook his head. 'I think I need another one.'

She laughed but then indulged him and gave him another kiss, this time a deeper, more profound kiss.


He nodded, and they kept scrolling through the pictures. That was no denying that the love they had for each other was real. That was more than noticeable through the pictures of them.

'The photographer certainly knew how to capture moments,' Sebastian mumbled.

'Lina looked stunning,' Eleanor said, as they looked at a photo of Ian and Lina dancing in each other's arms. 'It was such a beautiful wedding'

'Can't wait until it is our turn.'

'What did you just say?' she squealed.

'When will you marry me?' he asked, brushing her hair with his fingers, pulling it away from her face. 

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