Chapter 37

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She looked beautiful. It was such a shame that they didn't get to go out to eat dinner.

'It's fine. Come in.'

'I just wanted to see you for a bit. But it's probably too late. You were asleep, weren't you?'

'No,' she lied, and he smiled. He could see right through her.

'I won't stay for long. I'm sorry for stopping by so late.'

'It's not that late. It's fine. Don't worry.'

'I have something for you.'

She raised an eyebrow.

'Close your eyes,' he asked.

She closed her eyes and felt his body getting closer to hers. Something cold touched her neck.

'You can open your eyes now.'

Sebastian had got her a necklace. It was simple, but it had a beautiful blue stone that resembled the unusual shade of blue in Sebastian's eyes.

'It's,' — she was left speechless as she admired the piece of jewelry — 'beautiful. Thank you. You didn't have to.'

'I was planning on giving it to you at dinner. I hope you can forgive me for canceling our plans.'

'Of course I can. I wasn't even mad to begin with. Maybe disappointed but—'

'Disappointed?' He smirked. 'Why were you disappointed?'

'Because,' she stuttered, 'I—'

He chuckled, then pulled her towards him and placed a tender kiss on her lips.

'I better get going, now.'

'Have you eaten already?'

'No. Not yet.'

'I can make you something before you leave. I mean. If you want to. But I don't have much besides eggs, some fruit and some vegetables.'

Sebastian smiled from ear to ear.

'That's perfect.'

As Sebastian ate his improvised dinner, they kept talking about work, but once he was done with his food, they sat on the couch and watched a movie.

Eleanor timidly sat on one edge of the couch, hugging her knees. As she pulled her gaze away from the TV, she found Sebastian staring at her. He laughed.

'What?' she asked with her arms protectively wrapped around her legs.

'Are you that afraid of me?' he asked with a smirk.

'No, I'm not.'

'Then come here,' he said as he patted the couch right beside him.

Nervously, she moved closer to him, and as soon as she was close enough, Sebastian placed one arm around her waist and dragged her towards him.

'That's better,' he said with a playful smile.

There is always that inherent awkwardness that comes with the beginning of a new relationship, and even though they could not deny their attraction for each other, Eleanor still had not overcome that initial shyness. She had barely any to none dating experience, and their unnatural begging made it all even more awkward.

She wasn't able to pay any attention at all to the movie, and neither was Sebastian. The difference was that he pretended a lot better than her. She felt her heart racing, felt his smell and his warmth around her. She could not pretend that he was not having an effect on her.

'Why are you still that nervous around me?'

'I'm not.'

'Are you sure?' he asked as he grabbed her chin and tilted her head up, making her look at him. He chuckled. 'I actually don't mind it.'

He loved the effect he had on her. He loved to see her reactions.

Sebastian leaned towards to kiss her, and Eleanor closed her eyes. He smiled as then kissed her softly as he bit her lip. To his surprise, Eleanor pulled him closer as she ran her fingers through his hair. It was a deep and profound kiss, filled with so much sentiment, lust and passion, Eleanor never had experienced anything like it.

Sebastian didn't want to leave, but it wasn't the right time yet. He needed to be sure that they were both on the same page, that she trusted him completely. That she wanted to be with him the same way he wanted to be with her. That her desire was as great as his.

'Sebastian... I don't...'

'I know,' he said as he took a deep breath, 'I'll wait until you say you want me.' His voice was husky as he leaned his forehead against hers.

Her heart skipped a beat. She was over the moon. She wanted him, but she was not ready yet, but what he said to her made her a feel a lot more at ease. Eleanor was happy that they were taking things slow, as they were still learning to trust each other.

He kissed her goodbye and left, leaving her desiring for more. 

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