Chapter 55

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'Do you have everything you need?' Larissa asked, as she entered Sebastian's office.

'Almost. I'll leave in a second.'

'You should've just left already.'

'Well, that last meeting took too much time, it's not my fault. Believe me, I haven't been thinking about anything else.'

'Then stop talking to me and just go. I know what you're doing. You're scared and you're stalling. I never thought I'd see you scared like this,' she teased him.

'How could I not be scared?'

'Would have thought that you ever be this scared to have a meeting with Richard Montgomery. How many did you already have?'

'To many. Way too many. Don't remind me of my failures. But that's not the point. Those don't matter. This is the first one as his daughter's boyfriend.'

Larissa could not help but laugh hysterically. 'Just go. Or you will be late.'

Sebastian arrived early at Montgomery Consulting. He wanted to stop by Eleanor's office and to be with her for a bit, and this time, he definitely wasn't going to be late for his meeting.

'Are you ready?' Eleanor asked as Sebastian hugged her.

He nodded and placed a tender kiss on her lips. 'I think so.'

'You have nothing to worry about,' she said with a confident smiled. 'But now, you should probably leave my office. You don't want to be late.'

'Just a few more seconds,' he grumbled as he tightened their embrace.

As Sebastian still had his arms wrapped around Eleanor's waist, Richard Montgomery opened the office door.

'Who would've thought that you end up dating my daughter?' Richard said, standing right in front of them, leaned against the door frame.

In less than a second Eleanor blushed from head to toe, then looked at the window as Sebastian let go of her and turned to her father.

'Richard, how are you?' Sebastian walked towards him and shook his hand.

The man laughed. 'Don't look so nervous. I actually like you, Sebastian.'

'Then, does that mean you are finally going to accept the proposal?'

'Straight to the point,' he sighed. 'Is he always like this?' Richard asked his daughter, and she nodded and giggled as she felt more at ease. 'I'm inclined to accept it. But let's see what you do during the meeting.'

'Why now?'

'Your approach. This time you are offering a partnership and not ownership. This time it's not a one-sided deal. I'm excited to see your plan. If done properly it might be extremely beneficial for the both of us.'

As soon as Sebastian left the meeting room, he hugged Eleanor as she was walking down the corridor. Lifting her up, he told her the news. Montgomery Consulting had accepted the proposal.

'That's amazing. Congratulations.'

'Thank you.' He placed a quick kiss on her lips, completely ignoring where they were.

'We should celebrate.'

'When can you leave work?'

'As soon as you want. I have the afternoon off.'

'Did you do that on purpose?'

'Well... I just thought that since your meeting was in the morning, I could take the afternoon off so that I could celebrate with you.'

'So, you already knew that your dad was going to say yes?'


'Did you say anything to him to make him change his mind?'

'No. It was all on you.'

He smiled. 'It's almost lunchtime, so we should eat first and then we can make some plans.'

'Sure. Where do you want to go?'

'It's your turn to choose.'

They left the company building holding hands as they tried to figure out where to have lunch. After lunch, they stopped by the café next to Crain and ordered a box of chocolate chip cookies and two coffees to go. Afterwards, they headed to Sebastian's apartment.

'Is this the part where you invite me in?' she teased him as he parked the car.

'Maybe next time,' he said with a grin.

'Are you sure?' she leaned forward.

'I might be changing my mind a little.'

'Just a little?' she asked and then kissed him, a profound and lustful kiss.

'You still manage to surprise me.' He smiled and dragged her towards him. 'Do you want to go up?'

She bit her lower lip and nodded. Eleanor was as flustered as usual, but she didn't hide herself anymore from Sebastian. 

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