Chapter 47

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'You are changing the subject. Usually, you are more honest than this.'

'I would say yes because I wouldn't have a reason to say no.'

'What kind of answer is that?'

She shrugged again.

'Look at me,' he asked, but she ignored his request.

Eleanor kept her gaze on the horizon, so Sebastian got up and sat down in front of her instead of being by her side. With his hand he gently touched her chin, raising her head, and made her look at him.

'Don't,' she said as she tried to look away again.

He ignored her words and looked straight into her eyes; they were glistening as tears were almost falling.

Sebastian pulled her closer, pushed her down to the blanket, and kissed her. Eleanor still had her doubts, but when he grabbed her and kissed her like that, her mind went blank. She felt like she was walking on clouds and could not think straight.

'I'm sorry. I promise I'll do everything I can, so that you never have to look at me again with tears in your eyes.'

Eleanor took a deep breath, trying to wrap her mind around what just happened, what he had just said, and she sat on the blanket.

'Thank you.' She couldn't think of anything else to say. 'We should enjoy the rest of the things Lina got for us.'

'I mean it.'

'I know,' she said, kissing him softly.

Sebastian wasn't expecting that kiss. Up until this point he had always been the one to initiate it, it wasn't a deep passionate kiss, but it was a confirmation, it gave him everything he needed.

'This is real. No lies. No schemes,' — he kissed her again — 'I will tell this time and time again until you don't need to hear it anymore. I'm sorry I ever gave you reason to have doubts in the first place.'

They enjoyed the picnic in each other's company. The atmosphere between them was a lot lighter. They bickered with each other, and Sebastian stole kisses every chance he could.

'You know what?'

Eleanor looked at him while she finished the last strawberry.

'I would like to go even further back in time and change something else.'


'I would go back to that day at Montgomery, and I would've asked you on a date then,' he said with his dangerous smile.

Eleanor kissed him, and Sebastian could not be happier. She tasted like strawberries, and she was finally his.


Everyone got together after dinner. The entire group was there, including Sebastian's parents. Everyone got along well, and the atmosphere was friendly and comfortable as they enjoyed the wine from the Crain vineyard and told old stories.

Eleanor was now sure that the lie had completely ended, that it had left them, and no trace of it was left behind. They weren't pretending anymore, in fact they had never pretended, and they were finally realizing it.

Both felt lighter and happier, which allowed them to enjoy the evening and each other's company in a way that they hadn't been able to until this point.

The night ended and everyone went back to their own rooms. Eleanor opened the room door, took off her shoes, and let herself fall onto the bed.

'Come on, get up. Go change your clothes. You shouldn't fall asleep like that,' Sebastian said, stretching his hand to help her get up.

'I'm too tired.'

She took his hand, and with a swift move he pulled her closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her, not letting any space for her to escape his embrace.

Maybe it was the wine, or maybe Eleanor was simply too tired of fighting her own feelings, but she found herself kissing Sebastian. Her arms around his neck as her fingers ran through his thick hair, one of his hands on her waist as the other unzipped the dress she was wearing.

'Are you sure?'

She nodded. 'I want you.'

Sebastian's head was twirling. He could not be happier. She was in his arms; she was his, at least for the time being, and that meant that they could immerse themselves in this fantasy.

They had let go of all their troubles and worries and allowed themselves to feel what they had been denying all this time. Eleanor was still reluctant, but when she felt his warmth, his lips, when she saw the way his deep blue eyes were fixated on her, all her doubts vanished.

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