Chapter 2

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Sebastian was not having a good day, nor week for that matter. At the start of the week, he replaced his father as the CEO and president of Crain enterprises; that wasn't what he had planned out for his life, but when his sister refused the position, the burden fell onto him.

This was his first meeting with a potential partner, as CEO of Crain, but his morning was quickly going down the drain. Everything was upside down. All because of a mistake that happened the night before. An old classmate of his that was visiting persuaded him to grab a few drinks at the hotel bar where he was staying at. As they were leaving, a young woman that was walking past them broke her heel and Sebastian, that happened to be walking by and caught her.

The woman was a young model with her career on the rise, and they made the tabloids headline the next morning, just because of a misunderstanding. And so it began Sebastian's journey as a cocky billionaire that was always dating a different model.

Ever since he started working for his father, he caught everyone's attention and other types of news had been released about him. Although none of the previous news had become as popular as this story. In different circumstances he would not mind having women fall right into his arms. As a matter of fact, that happened more often than he felt comfortable to admit. But not like this.

As he approached the elevator at Montgomery Consulting, his head was somewhere else, and he didn't see the intern that was walking right towards him. It was his fault that she fell and got hurt.

Sebastian sighed as he looked at the petite girl in front of him. She looked so small and fragile compared to him; he wondered how she hadn't got more hurt and merely had a bruised ankle.

'I'm sorry I didn't see you.'

She looked down at Sebastian's hands, holding the ice against her ankle. His hands were huge, but he touched her gently.

'I didn't see you too. I suppose we're both at fault.'

He smiled. She was young, and she seemed cute, but he barely could see her face. The young woman kept hiding it with her wavy strawberry blond hair; she had bangs and thick glasses that also helped her conceal her face from him.

'I wanted to be a doctor when I was a kid. I guess this is the closest I'll ever get to helping someone.'

Sebastian was not sure why he mentioned that, but part of him just wanted to keep talking to her.

'Why didn't you?'


'Become a doctor?'

He shrugged. 'Life got in the way, I guess. I had other responsibilities. And I'm probably not smart enough to go through medical school.'

To Eleanor, the man standing in front of her looked lonely, lost, but she didn't know what to say. Even if she did, she felt it wasn't her place to point that out to a stranger. Besides, she was still mortified because of her fall. She just wanted to crawl into a hole and hide there for a few years.

'Are you an intern here?'

She nodded.

'What do you do around here?'

'For now, I'm just the coffee girl and I'm running errands. It's my first day.'

'I'm sure you were looking forward to it. Sorry for ruining it.'

He showed her a sad smile. He felt awful about it, and Eleanor could see his regret reflected in his eyes.

She smiled as she tried to make him feel better. 'It's fine. I'm clumsy. I would've ruined it by myself in some other way.'

He took a deep breath and then sighed. 'And I certainly will cause a good impression arriving this late to a meeting with Richard Montgomery.' He sighed again. 'I guess you can't put in a kind word for me, and say that I was just helping you out, can't you?'

'I can try.'

As a matter of fact, Eleanor could do that, and she was planning on it. He bumped into her, but he could've just ignored her and instead he was helping her. That had to count for something.

Looking straight at her, he couldn't help but to smile; she raised her eyes and for a few seconds her eyes met his. They were green. She had freckles and was blushing, which made them even more visible. Sebastian thought she was gorgeous; he wished she wasn't covering her face so much, hiding it from him.

As much as he was tempted to touch her chin and raise her face to make her look at him, he resisted. He wanted to. But she already looked too flustered and uncomfortable, and he did not want to aggravate that. But he did not resist the urge of touching her hair and tugged a piece behind her ear.

Pretty was not enough to describe her. To him, she was beautiful. But it was more than that. There was just something about her. He was so intrigued that he even lost track of time. There was no way that Richard Montgomery was going to see him after being so late, and besides, Sebastian was much more interested in the girl in front of him.

'Mr. Montgomery is still available to see you,' the secretary said. She had just returned from her boss's office.

Eleanor and Sebastian completely forgot that they were not alone. They felt as if they were the only two people in the room. He forced himself to break the spell that he was under. He could not stay in front of her forever.

'Well, I guess I should go. Better later than never, right? Wish me luck.'

She showed him a timid smile and nodded.

'Please get this checked out,' he said while he was still holding her ankle. 'And here.' He reached into the inside pocket of his blazer and gave her a luxurious-looking business card with the Crain Enterprises gold logo. 'My business card. Call me after, I want to know if you are ok. Please.'

She blushed and nodded again. It wasn't a serious injury, possibly just a sprained ankle, but Eleanor still thought that his concern was endearing. It warmed her heart, and she could not help but to smile.

'I mean it. I'll be waiting for your call.'

For some reason that he could not comprehend yet, Sebastian wanted to stay, but the secretary was waiting for him, and this was his chance to impress Mr. Montgomery. After being so late to their meeting, Sebastian needed to amaze him.

'So, I guess, until we meet again, Eleanor.' He had a smirk on his lips.

'Goodbye, Mr. Crain.'

He gifted her with one of his dazzling smiles.

'You can call me Sebastian. Just Sebastian.'

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