Chapter 35

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'Just do it.'

Eleanor refused a couple of times, but eventually Sebastian convinced her. As Eleanor sloppily tried to punch him, he grabbed her and turned her around, his arm around her waist and her back against his chest. She could feel his breath on her neck.

'I don't think that,' — her voice cracked — 'this can be considered boxing.'

'And what do you know about that?'

'Not much—'

Even though she was not facing him, she could feel his devilish smile forming. She could feel his smell and his heartbeat. He released his hold on her and turned her around to face him. She walked a few steps back until she hit the wall.

Sebastian's shortened the space between his body and hers, and with one hand on her waistline and the other on her neck, he kissed her. To his surprise Eleanor kissed him back, timid at first, but she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Eleanor parted her lips from his, and as she took a deep breath she said, 'We should probably go.'

He kissed her forehead and didn't move; he kept his body pressed against her for a little longer. They left the gym and got in the car, but Sebastian didn't start it immediately. He wasn't ready to end the night there; he wanted to spend more time with her.

'It's still early. Is there something else you want to do?' he asked.

She thought for a while and then said, 'Movies. A movie that I really want to see just premiered.'

'Are there still tickets for tonight?'

Eleanor grabbed her phone to check.

'Yes. If we go now, we can still watch it tonight.'

'Let's go,' before starting the car. He kissed her hand and Eleanor could feel the butterflies in her stomach dancing around.


'You could've told me first that it was a horror movie,' he said once the movie was over, and they walked back to the car.

Eleanor giggled.

'I didn't think that you were such a scaredy-cat.'

'I'm not. But I'm not particularly fond of blood and entrails.'

He had a look of disgust on her face that made Eleanor laugh. She wasn't sure if she was more amused by Sebastian's expression or the movie.

'I'm sorry.'

'I enjoyed some parts of it. Besides, I made you watch me train first. Then we did something that you liked. I guess this is what they call compromise.'

'I guess that after all, we are not so bad at this dating thing,' she said with an expression that revealed her doubts.

Sebastian noticed that something wasn't quite right. He noticed the doubt in her voice and in her eyes.

'You know,' — he held her hand and interlaced his fingers with hers — 'I understand why you still have doubts. But I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to make them go away.'

Eleanor stopped walking and looked right into his eyes. The words he had just said sounded so sweet, and she desperately wanted to believe in him, but it was too soon. She wasn't yet one hundred percent sure. All of this was happening too fast, and their beginning was odd at best.

'Thank you. It's just that,' — she looked down at their hands — 'this started as a lie, so I fell that we still have a long way to go and need to learn how to trust—'

'I know. We have time.' He placed a soft kiss on her lips. 'Let's go. Let me take you home.'

The drive back to Eleanor's apartment was a lot quicker that Sebastian would've liked it to be, but regardless, he still appreciated every moment. He parked in front of the building and they stood there in the dark in silence for a few minutes.

'Is this where you invite me up?' he said with a smirk.

'Not yet.' Eleanor was flustered, but could not help but to smile. 'Maybe next time.' She winked and smiled timidly.

Sebastian turned to her and grabbed her; he kissed her, hoping that it could change her mind.

'I know what you are doing,' she said, panting.

'Is it working?'

'Good night, Sebastian.'

Sebastian was sure that his kiss had worked. He wanted her. But he was going to wait. He would wait how long it was necessary for her to fully believe in their relationship.

'Good night, Eleanor.'

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