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Nate POV

"Dad Papa , please be there on time. It's our important match." Finn reminded us about their match for hundredth time.

"Ya Dad Papa you both are our lucky charms so please be on time." Nick gave us puppy eyes and pouty lips. Even if Nick is 2 minutes elder than Finn he is more childish. But my babies will always be babies for me.

"Ok ok now go , we will be there and if the two of you win today. There will be a surprise for the two of you." They looked at me for more details.

"Nope your Papa wont say more than he already said." Felix raised an eyebrow looking at me for spoiling the surprise. I gave my best puppy eyes.

"What? I was just encouraging them now that they know they have something waiting for them I'm sure they will give their 200%. Right baby boys?"

"Yes" They said in unison. They said their goodbyes and left but not before giving Felix kiss on his head and me on my cheeks. They always kiss us before leaving even if they are going for grocery shopping which they rarely go. I love my kids a lot even if they just turned 18 they are still 3 for us. Two years ago Felix and I decided to them about their real parents.


"Dad papa thank you for telling us but we don't want to know because no matter what you both are our biological parents. I don't think so our real parents would've loved us as you both did. Maybe no one would. So we don't care about someone else being our parents because you both are our parents." Nick sniffed I wiped his tears and kissed his forehead. Felix took him in his embrace.

"Dad Papa please next time don't say you're our adopted father's because for us you're our biological parents." Finn said. I wiped his tears and kissed him too.

"Ya Dad Papa." Nick agreed with his brother.


"We're blessed with the worlds best sons."

"That we are." Felix agreed and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Our kids are grown up. I feel old." I pouted.

"I still see my little 18 years old boy that ran and hid from his bully behind me." I grin he pecked my lips.

"But our boys are 18 now."

"But you look younger than them." My eyes widened. I hit him on his chest. He groaned.

"I am their papa." He chuckled and winked I pecked his lips and we went to get ready for our sons football match. They got their dad's genes for loving football.


We arrived the school field and took our place. So by the time the team came I saw my sons they grin when they saw us. The game started and they won by 23-19. And we got back home they asked for their surprises we asked them to wait. My phone started ringing. It was Derek.

"Hey Derek."

"Nate how are you?"

"I am fine."

"Since the kids won the match so we planned for a get together or more like after party tomorrow so be there."

"Definitely we'll be there." After saying byes we hung up. After getting home I informed them about the get together they were happy since all our kids are best friends just like we were. Speaking of kids Derek and Kai's elder son Daniel 17 years old was also in a match with Nick and Finn. And their younger son Adam is 15 years old. Whereas Aiden and Nolan's elder son Justin is 19 years old studying in university and younger is Ian 16 years old. All kids being almost same ages they are like best friends and from the eldest who is Justin to youngest who is Adam they all are protective of each other.

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