Chapter 1

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Nate POV

Well let me introduce myself . I'm Nathan but I like Nate more . I'm 18 years old and I'm 5'4 and I be picked for my height a lot which I hate the most . Yup you guessed it I get bullied a lot and I have no friends not that I need .

I have a loving parents and the best part is they love me for who I am. Yep I came out to them when I was 14 and they love me enough to accept me. The only thing I was scared of is if I come out to school I will get bullied well not that I don't get already.

But no luck because I was out in school accidentally and everything was hell after that and unluckily I was out by my bullies James , Owen and Silas .

Daily I used to come home with bruises everywhere and I thought to end myself but I stopped by thinking about my mom and dad. So my dad transferred to the next town I was sad that my parents have to restart their life because of me .

But they make it seem like they love it here but I feel they miss their old job. They assured me if I go through the same thing again they don't need a second to transfer or find another job.

I am in my last year of high school and its been a month I am attending the new school here nothing new no friends but luckily no bullies yet and I always be alone. I don't top in class but I am a good student.

When my parents told me I will be attending King's High School I was happy that I would be seeing someone who doesn't know I exist. That someone I haven't seen yet. Not that I know his name. Luck.

Right now I was walking towards my school and I reached the gate straight walked towards my locker and kept the books in and carried my first hour book and while walking I heard some voices I still had time for class so I walked towards the sound I saw four boys but I couldn't see them but the one who stood looked asian.

"Come on bro it will be fun" one boy said

"Nope nope nope" second voice

"Trust us it will be amazing" third voice

"No means no" second spoke again

"Ok fine stay at home all weekend like always we're going for sure" the fourth voice

"Ya whatever" what a stubborn guy. I was about to walk but I fell on my butt. Oh no.

"Loser watch where you're going" A tall hand-ugly faced guy said. Ugly because he may be my bully I wanted to pout so bad. Suddenly the door of class where the boys are in opened. And the Asian came out.

"Derek leave the guy" he walked to me and gave me he's hand I held it and he pulled me on my feet.

"Whatever" Derek rolled his eyes and passed me but shoved me a little.

"Don't mind him , little guy" I blushed and looked at him he chuckled " I'm Kai"

"N-Nate" he ruffled my hairs I turned around suddenly his friends came out

"You were suppose to get us food"

"I was , but helping that little guy was more important than your tummies" Kai said to his friends I giggled but slowly so they don't hear me

"Who's little guy" the stubborn boy asked but I left before hearing their conversation.

The day went by blur it was now lunch break I always sit in class and have my lunch but I wanted to go in lunch room. I walked in there I looked around but there wasn't any empty table so I was about to turn around I saw someone waving hand I looked it was Kai he was seated with three boys I waved back I was about to turned but I was unluckily standing face to face with Derek I wanted to cry.

He smirked and walked by hitting me with his shoulder I walked out . As usual I ate in class and rest of the day went by I was glad I didn't see Derek again. I was walking towards the parking lot.

"Little guy" I pouted and turned my head I saw Kai and two of he's friends . Kai chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Hi" I smiled.

"These are my friends Aiden and Nolan guys this is little guy Nate" he smiled

"Hello" I waved my hand.

"Hey" both said at the same time. All the three had black hairs and black eyes except Kai was little paler and Aiden had curly hairs.

"So do you have car little guy? Want me drop you home?" Kai asked.

"No thank you i can walk I don't stay that far" he looked unsure.

"I can d-" I cut him.

"Its fine, bye guys"

"Bye" I turned and walked away.

"Ouch you moron" I turned and saw their friend was standing with his back facing me. I walked home.

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