Chapter 16

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Felix POV

As I said the time flies and everyone seemed to give up but I did not and won't. Seven months passed and nothing's happening. Why can't my baby wake up now. Last month the doctor said we have one month if now Nate doesn't wake up then they will remove the wires but I won't let them do that.

Two more days before the doctor come and remove the wires but you know what hurts the most ? that our parents and friends gave up and they think Nate's dead already but I know he's not I know he wouldn't leave me like this I don't think so. I can't live without him. Almost Two months ago I left the hospital and went to meet the people who hurt my baby. They get to live and my baby here is lifeless on bed? That's so unfair.

All I could see is my boy laying lifeless and that was enough to make me kill them. One vs three but the anger in me was enough to take three bullies at the same time after making sure they have broken bones and ribs I tried walking away but that's when a police officer came and stopped me.

"I'm officer Jacob Johnson and you have to come with me to the police station." He was in mid thirties. I looked behind I haven't realised there was an ambulance picking the bodies I left behind.

"I have important place to be in." I tried walking away.

"You could have killed them." He gripped my shoulder stopping me from walking away.

"They should be thankful for me not killing them after what they did." He looked confused.

"You mean you have a better reason to do what you did? And you're lucky I'm not on duty or else I would've dragged you with me so let me say you again. You have to come to police station." I chuckled.

"If I told you the reason will you let me go?" He raised his eyebrow. "Good follow me." After driving to the hospital and the officer drove behind me and we walked in hospital I took him in the room where my love was lifeless and I took the report paper and shove it on his chest. He read it and looked at Nate.

"Did they do this to him?" I nod my head my eyes were on my baby boy.

"Yes they did this to my baby. They were his bullies at school and the first time they made him lay on bed at the hospital they got expelled so they wanted revenge and see for the past 5 months here he is lifeless. I promised him to be by his side till end but I need him back I-I can't live without him. He is my l-life my everything. I see nothing but darkness without him. Please officer." I got on my knees front of him. "I want justice for my love. I want those three to rot in hell." He sighed and placed his hands on my shoulder.

"I will arrest them once they get discharged from the hospital and make sure they don't get bail." I looked at him and thanked him. After that he did come to visit Nate and told me that those three are arrested.

Today is exact seven months and today is when the doctors are removing the wires. I can't let that happen. No one can take him away from me. I'm here on my knees holding my boy's hand in mine and begging the doctors not to remove the oxygen. My father is holding me from back.

"Let him go son. Let him have peace." My father had tears in his eyes.

"No please no I can't live without him. Can't you all get it I can't live without him." I yelled , Nate's parents were hugging each other and crying and Kai , Aiden , Nolan and Derek were crying silently near the door and my sobbing where loud and clear. Officer Jacob was standing behind our friends.

"Please son let him go." My father begged me. There was suddenly a beep sound showing a line in monitor.

"Then kill me before killing him by removing the wires." I said with my cold voice. "Because I wont live another day without him." The doctors had enough and they started removing the wires. " NO PLEASE NO PLEASE , NO." I yelled. And suddenly I saw something shook me. "Doctor wait."

"No , why don't you want him to have peace by letting him go." He sighed.

"BECAUSE I LOVE HIM." I took a deep breathe. "But doctor I saw his hand moving." Everyone gasped and moved forward to see.

"That's not possible." He argued.

"I swear I saw him moving." I looked at my father "Dad I'm not lying I saw his hand moving I swear." My father looked at the doctor and asked him to check once again.

"But that's not pos- oh my god." That's when he saw my baby's hand move. I gave him a look says 'I told you so'. After that the doctors came and took us all out and after an hour or so the same doctor came to me.

"What hap-" he cut me.

"Your boyfriend is a fighter and it's a miracle that he came back alive and I believe he's back for you." I fell on my knees and sobbed thanking god for returning me my baby. All my friends came and hugged me.

"Can we see him." I was mess crying so I don't know who asked.

"Yes." That's when I got up and ran to his room. With everyone behind me.

"Baby wake up I miss you . I love you so much." I kissed all over his face and I held his hand and felt him squeeze my hand.

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