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Edlyn smiled softly before putting a bouquet of white roses next to her mother's gravestone. Jake watched her from behind proudly. She turned around and ran to him before wrapping her arms around him. He kissed her head and looked at the name on the gravestone.

They both looked around and saw a family crying while watching their loved one being put into the ground. She pursed her lips and lowered her gaze, "I didn't even cry when my mom was buried. I was too guilty to even cry in front of everyone."

"It's okay. And besides, it's not your fault. Accidents happen, alright? Your mother would've been guilty too if she lived instead of you. And she must be so proud seeing you happy right now."

He held both of her shoulders as he led her to the car. She stood at the car door and glanced behind to see the cemetery entrance. Her eyes widened when she saw her mother's figure looking at her. Instead of bleeding and her clothes stained with blood, she looked pure and clean. Her dress was white. Instead of having a vengeful expression, she was smiling in relief at her daughter.

Edlyn's eyes started to form tears and she looked away, blinking the tears away. She glanced again at the entrance and the figure was nowhere to be found. She got into the car and flinched in surprise when Jake suddenly held her hand, "You ready to go?"

She nodded and leaned back against her seat, exhaling in relief. He drove off and kept his eyes on the road while his hand tightened around hers.

"It's funny how we used to argue all the time," she laughed. He blushed and chuckled, "You don't have to remind me of that. We used to be so petty to each other."

She moved her legs to sit in a more comfortable position but her right leg accidentally kicked the box near it. She picked it up and looked at him confusedly, "What's this?"

"Open it."

She opened the box and gasped excitedly when she saw a pair of white baby shoes. She held it like it was a fragile thing and cupped her mouth in disbelief, "I can believe... I just can't-it's too cute!"

"I bought it when I was shopping with Jay."

She checked the brand on the box and widened her eyes in shock, "Oh my God! It must've cost half of your monthly salary to afford this!"

"Edlyn, you're richer than me yet you act like a person who used to live in a studio apartment before marrying me. Don't worry, I can afford the whole store."

She rolled her eyes when he started bragging. She smiled and traced the design on the shoes, "It's just so small. I can't believe we're having a baby."

"Do you want me to give you another one to make you believe that you're having a baby?" He smirked. She glared and smacked his arm, "Please stop being a pervert for once in a while."

"You keep smacking me but I know you like it secretly," he teased again. She scoffed and looked at the view outside, smiling to herself.

Daera knocked on Jay's office door and walked in after he let her. He was focused on his computer work, ignoring her presence. "I came here to submit my assignment," she spoke quietly. He nodded and motioned her to put it on his desk.

She bowed and was about to leave before he said, "You know how Sunghoon is. If you still like him, I suggest you stop playing hard to get. If it goes on for too long you might lose him forever."

She frowned and turned around to face him, "I appreciate that you care about me but it's time for you to stop. I can take care of myself and you don't have to care for me like how you care for your sister. The thing between us ended years ago. And I appreciate it if you can just move on and find someone else. I am not the one for you. There's someone out there who is better than me."

He licked his bottom lip and nodded, "I'm sorry. I didn't know my feelings were bothering you."

"And about Sunghoon, I just don't want to think about it anymore. I'm going to try and move on with my life. It doesn't mean that you can't see me anymore. I'll probably bump into you many times since I study here and I'm your sister's best friend."

Jay nodded and stood up before walking to her, "If it's possible, we can still be friends."

"Who says we're not?" she smiled. He led her outside and they both stopped walking when they saw Sunghoon pinned his hand against the wall as he trapped a female student from walking away. As usual, he was using his handsome face and flirty talk to seduce girls in an empty hallway.

Jay sighed, "Sunghoon, you're at work."

Daera approached Sunghoon, glaring at him, "You're a jerk, you know that right?"

He watched her leave him with confused eyes. It felt like an arrow shooting his chest painfully. But instead of an arrow, it was her hurtful words. She always calls him a jerk but that time, the word just pains him more.

three years later...

Edlyn waited as she watched Jay grilling beef. They were having a barbeque party and her family and Jake's family came, including Sunghoon and Heeseung. The two surgeons went to the party for food and also to meet Jake's daughter, Jiah.

She laughed as she watched Jake run around in the yard with Jiah and their family dog. Sunghoon approached her, "Aren't we missing someone?"

"Oh, you mean Daera? Yeah, she's not coming."

"I still don't understand why she hates me so much. I mean, when I helped her with everything before, she seemed fine to me."

She frowned and folded her arms. Jay, who stood next to her sighed, "Try to think of what you did in front of her that made her angry at you. There's no use in asking her. She's living in America now so it will take a few years for you to see her again. I doubt that she will want to see you."

"Sim Jiah!" Mr Park ran towards his granddaughter and picked her up. Mr and Mrs Sim spoiled her with candies and chocolates. Jake was sitting on the ground as he talked with the dog sweetly.

"This is nice," Edlyn said as she watched them having fun. "The meat is done!" Jay announced and everyone took their seats happily.

The party went on with the adults talking to each other and laughing at some random topics while Jiah secretly fed the dog some meat. Jake who saw her just smiled and ignored her, going on with the conversation.

The end.


The book has come to an end 🥲 Thank you to all of you that supported my book! I really really love to read your comments and feel free to give your opinions! Love you <3

Unexpectedly Married To You Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora